tensions on The Korean Peninsula had been rocked recently again. North Korea has made, in particular, its displeasure with the propaganda actions of South Korean activists on the border air. Now Pyongyang seems to relent.

Seoul/Pyongyang (dpa) – After the threat of military action against its neighbor South Korea, North Korea sends a relaxation signal.

The Central military Commission of the workers ‘ party, have made at a preliminary meeting chaired by leader Kim Jong-Un, an assessment of the current situation and decided, “the military action plans against South Korea to” suspend, reported the state media. Reasons for the decision were not named. At the meeting, which was held by video link, had also been documents discussed on “measures to further strengthen the war deterrent”, it said.

tensions on The Korean Peninsula have heightened again recently. North Korea reacted angrily to a Propaganda campaign of South Korean activists and North Korean refugees, the end of may, approximately 500,000 in balloons Packed leaflets with criticism of the autocratic leadership in Pyongyang in the direction of the North, sent had. Pyongyang accused the government in Seoul, to tolerate this is often at the limit of actions taken, and threatened with consequences.

With the current decision, North Korea seems to be the view of observers of his sharp tone, more to mitigate and to both sides for the time being, more time for a solution. The South Korean news Agency Yonhap reported, citing military officials, North Korea slips back speaker to reduce the have it installed previously for possible propaganda broadcasts at the border.

Without speaking explicitly of a military strike, North Korea announced last retaliation. After the interruption of the inter-Korean communication lines, and the blowing up of a joint liaison office in North Korea, said poor leadership in the past week, the military exercises near the border, shooting and soldiers to areas formerly shared industry and tourism to want to move. Also leaflets should be supported actions against South Korea from the military.

Kim Jong-Un, the South Korean President, Moon Jae In already several times had taken, left it in his influential sister to give Kim Yo Jong, the appropriate instructions. An offer of Seoul to be resolved in talks, Pyongyang refused.

The rhetoric against South Korea was already after the destruction of the liaison office is a little milder voted, had written on North Korea, specialized news site “38 North” on Thursday. “It is unclear how far North Korea will go to in order to signal a break with South Korea, but there was plenty of room to de-escalate, if and when it feels it is appropriate.”

Since the failed summit, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un is not meeting between US President in February 2019 in Vietnam, only the negotiations on the North Korean nuclear weapons program are stuck. Also, the inter-Korean relations have not advanced since then.

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