Disney is finished by folding the controversy. In the margin of the movement Black Lives Matter, a petition had been launched on change.org. It was ” Splash Mountain “, a popular attraction in the Disney parks in Florida and California in the United States currently closed to the public, ” says CNN. It consists of an aquatic course in a trunk dummy ending on a big fall in the water.

His problem in the eyes of some 20 000 signatories of the petition ? It is based on the film Melody of the South (Song of The South in its original version), accused of promoting racist prejudice and, like gone with the wind, referred to long ago by a controversy. “Although the ride is considered a classic and well-loved, its history and its scenario are imbued with racist ideas extremely problematic and stereotypical “, according to the petition.

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Out of Disney+

Released in 1946, Melody of the South has for years been criticised for its stereotyping and offensive to African-Americans, as well as to the romantic vision of the relations between the freed slaves and their former masters offered. As explained by CNN, this film has been put aside by Disney, which has not emerged at the cinema since 1980 and do not offer on Disney+, its new streaming service.

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The ” need for diversity “, requested by the petition was finally heard by Disney. The company has made it known that she was going to “completely rethink” its attraction, that exists since 1989. This change had already been conceived as early as last year, she says. The attraction will soon be based on the story of the Princess and The Frog, released in 2009 and was the first animated film to Disney with a heroine african-american.

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The firm has not given exact date for the launch of the new version of “Splash Mountain” (an attraction that is absent from the park Disneyland Paris), ensuring, however, that the work was ” on track “. “It is important that our visitors can recognise themselves in the experiences that we create,” said the Agence France-Presse Carmen Smith, responsible for the creation and inclusion strategies at Disney.

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Marie-Aude Murail : “The censorship has changed camp,” Reni Eddo-Lodge, the anti-racist that borst “privilege white,” Why we need to (re)read ” gone with the wind “