the gate tower of The Nüdlinger home Museum is Packed for this week, from top to bottom in scaffolding. It is part of the home to Museum on the left and club premises on the right, the so-called Old school and belongs to the municipality Nüdlingen. Nüdlingens 1. Mayor Harald Hofmann (CSU) white: “The tower needs to be restored. He is from the 13. Century.”

And that is noticeable. In some Places it rain into the roof. On the side of the Church, a window had fallen out. And should the outside facade.

the repair work to begin, has enabled the municipality of the monument authority. Because the gate tower and adjacent Museum are under monument protection. The authority gives instructions on how to accomplish the various areas of the restoration.

Own a painter from the building yard

“The monument authority has inspected the window. Probably, it will be so, as is the case with the Museum two years ago.” At that time, the workers had removed the window, restored, and re-used. “The details we know, if the window have been examined. Orders are not yet out,” says Hofmann, and continued: “For the outdoor area I have a very good worker from the yard, so we will do itself”.

The painter and broken through, the Museum had already left, and the opposite Museum restaurant “Zum Stern” prepared. Since it is a listed building, would have to be the colors used and materials to be coordinated. “What is under the roof, we don’t know.” The construction workers would have to cover it and then be examined, whether the entablature is still in shot.

How long will it take and how much it

should cost Because it is in addition a foreign site, it is Hofmann, not sure how long the Work will take. “The planning is that it is done. The weather has to play along. And we don’t know what is with the bars, not the exact state of the window.” His desire is that it is after the summer finished.

expresses the cost-Hofmann thus: “We have set in the budget of 50 000 euros, I hope that’s enough. If you go to a monument-protected house is like on the high seas and before the court. You know never what will happen.” The home club must participate in the costs.

special exhibition fell flat

the Inside of the tower gate and the Museum Volunteers of the home Association take care of. At the top of the tower the tower is a tube in the weapons and uniforms are. On the ground floor, the space for the special exhibitions. Peter’s chest, first Chairman of the club explains: “We have prepared for our home to Museum is a new concept. About three years ago, we started to organize special exhibitions.”

From may is been to a special exhibition planned. This time with Barbie dolls. The exhibition was also, in a Bismarck Museum. “Then Corona came. That’s why we have to wait how the Situation goes on,” says breast.

Too small for the operation

is when to start the exhibition, don’t know the Chairman: “With the loosening of the rule, then, will be the only Person to 20 square meters can be.” Museum Director Bernd Hein adds: “We have maybe 90 square meters, with the current rules, five people can go in there, perhaps.” He told that the exhibition was not yet equipped. Because of Corona, they would have postponed it.

For the duration of the exhibition, there are no regular opening Hours. During the special exhibition, the Museum is usually open once a week, usually Sunday.

In the financial problems of the home club not because of it. “We currently have no income, but fortunately, no big spending,” says Museum Director Hein. Rent does not have to pay the home club for the building.


visited looks back” As a Museum Director Hein in the past few years, he says: “The Museum is still visited with pleasure.A few years ago, it was just in a kind of slumber.” Therefore, you would have thought of the idea of the special exhibitions. And the were good: “As you have seen, what people have an interest in.”

For the next few weeks, he believed: “If in the nearest time, everything is relaxed, want to go to the people but rather get out, than to go to a Museum.”

This article was written by Ellen Mützel

*The contribution “the gate tower is in a new light” published by Contact with the executives here.