Its history has earned him the nickname of Pixar, in reference to the desk lamp that serves as a logo by the famous animation studio. For several weeks, this cat wandering in the streets of Sessenheim, about thirty minutes from Strasbourg, hurt the residents of the area. Several months at a time, he wandered, his head stuck in a sort of lampshade and eventually move to the local residents and the members of the association the school of Free Chat in Alsace.

Thanks to the help of the German association THRO, as explained in a trap could be installed to catch the unfortunate and try as much as possible to release him from his burden. It took the use of a thermal imaging camera and a cage to capture radio-controlled in order to find and seize the so-called Pixar.

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Pixar adopted by a family

The animal was able to be driven to a veterinary clinic and, after weeks of ordeal, to be detached from the shade in which he had stuck the head. Supported, cared for and neutered by the passage, because without the owner, Pixar is back with the members of the association of German espèraient adoption. But Pixar has lived these last few months a living hell, it will take time to recover from his emotions.

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Contacted by the co-founder of The school of the Free Chat in Alsace, Jean-Claude Deschamps, said : “This cat is suffering a lot especially mentally, it can no longer have normal lives.” Pixar has finally found a home in a village of Alsace or its new masters approach it with caution and take care of him, away from any object that is at risk.