The pessimism was great after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Now hope is springing up in the German economy. This is confirmed by the latest Figures of the Ifo business climate index.

Munich (dpa) – The mood among German companies has recovered in June, strong from their dramatic slump in the Corona-crisis.

The Ifo-business climate increased in comparison to the previous month, to 6.5 points to 86.2 counter, such as the Ifo-Institute in Munich, tells. This was the strongest ever measured increase, said the Institute. Analysts had expected an increase, but with 85.0 points on average slightly weaker expected.

It is the second increase in the major economic indicator in a row, after he was burgled in March and April due to the crisis dramatically. Companies assessed their current business situation in June, slightly better, while the prospects for the future have been significantly assessed better. “The German economy sees light at the end of the tunnel,” said Ifo President Clemens Fuest. The business climate in all observed sectors-that is, in the industry, service providers, trade and construction.

the results of The survey of the Ifo-Institute is broadly in line with the previous day’s published purchasing managers ‘ indexes of the British Institute IHS, Markit. Also there is a marked brightening of mood showed. Figures from the real economy, such production data are not available for the recent months. The positive Trend in the sentiment indicators could not be confirmed.

Bank economists commented on the results of careful. Although the worst of the Corona had survived the crisis, said Ulrich word mountain by Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen. Of a return to economic normality, however, could not be spoken.

Similarly, the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg: “The Low was in the second quarter, from the third quarter, it is likely that with the economic data strongly upward,” said Economist Jens-Oliver Niklasch. For the economic performance of the on-the-Corona-time, it is not likely rich but not so quickly, because there are still parts of the economy, in which there is no easing in sight. In addition, the risk of a second wave of Infection there.

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