Finland, Sweden and Norway have noted in recent days of low levels of unusual radioactivity of human origin, an increase harmless to the man who, according to a Dutch institute finds its source in, or to the west of Russia.

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The Organization of the treaty of complete prohibition of nuclear tests, the stations also allow you to measure increases of radioactivity of civil origin, has released a map on Twitter showing the area of the probable origin of the source, according to its measures. The area covers roughly the southern third of Sweden, the southern half of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, as well as a large area surrounding the north-western border of Russia, including St. Petersburg.

These isotopes (caesium-137, caesium-134 and ruténium 103, in particular) are very likely to be of civil origin. We are able to indicate the region is likely the source, but this is not part of the mandate of the CTBTO (English acronym of the organization, editor’s note) to determine the exact origin,” commented on Twitter Lassina Zerbo, the secretary-general of the international organisation based in Vienna.

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“radionuclides from the direction of Russia to the west,”

The Russian manufacturer of nuclear electricity Rosenergoatom has denied his side any incident in the two plants it operates in this sector. “No abnormalities have been recorded in nuclear power plants Leningradskaïa and Kolskaïa,” said a spokesman at Russian agencies. The “emissions have not exceeded the control values for the specified time period” and “there has been no incident related to a release of radionuclides beyond the levels established”, he continued.

According to calculations by the Dutch Institute for public Health and the Environment (RIVM), “radionuclides from the direction of Russia to the west,” even if the measures do not allow to identify a more accurate location.

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The nuclides, the readings are well artificial, of human origin. And their composition “may indicate damage to a fuel element in a nuclear power plant”, is the Dutch authority in a press release. In addition to Russia, Finland and Sweden, operating nuclear reactors in the area, but no incident has been reported. The baltic countries do not have a reactor asset, Lithuania closed its sole nuclear power plant of Russian origin in the framework of its entry into the european Union.

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