The “Mondays in the sun” will be a reality for a majority of French, on Monday, June 29 : the time will be marked by the gradual return of the sun on a large part of the country, according to the forecasts of Météo-France. However, in the early morning, we will find the clouds between the south-west the north-east and Rhône-Alpes, giving rain more continuous and sometimes moderate in his party is. In the course of the day, the rains faibliront leaving sunny spells with a chance of showers on the terrain of the pyrenees, the terrain of the north-east.

The afternoon will announce so nice in general, but with a few showers possible along the Channel, pushed by a south-west wind blowing at 70/80 km/h in a point. In the late afternoon, the sky will be dark on the north-west, before the arrival of a new wave weakly rainy Brittany, and the Cotentin. The west wind will get stronger also in the Mediterranean, it will blow at 70/80 km/h in gusts between the coasts of var and the ends of the corsicans.

The minimum temperatures will vary between 10 and 20 degrees from north to south, locally 22 near the Mediterranean. The maximum temperatures will reach 19 to 25 degrees on the north half, 24 to 30 degrees south to 30 to 34 on the South-east of the country.