Smoking is bad for your health – doctors are calling, therefore, for years, also in Germany, the advertising space on the Poster to stop. Now the Bundestag is on the train. The plans do not convince all.

Berlin (dpa) – It was a long and difficult second attempt – but now it’s time to go with further restrictions on advertising Smoking to fast: Four years after a failed first attempt, the Grand coalition wants to bring in the new week is a step-by-step prohibition of poster advertising through the Parliament.

Effective it will be in 2022. Target also electric cigarettes come. Further restrictions are planned for cinema advertising and marketing actions. On Monday, a hearing of Experts on stands, on Thursday, the Bundestag will decide on the plans. Doctors are calling for this since a long time. But there is also criticism.

Union faction Deputy Gitta Connemann (CDU), told the German press Agency: “The advertising is aimed at young people non-Smoking. And it’s effective.” The handle to the first cigarette of successes average of 14.8 years. This tobacco and nicotine were “unique in their dangerousness, and addiction, potency, even when used as intended”. But what young people knew and could know about it? “Posters show no lung cancer, but suggest a sense of life.” The expansion of the advertising restrictions, therefore, the health of young people. “This is non-negotiable.”

come for more stringent advertising rules now on the final straight, was clear from the outset. “The SPD has fought long,” said SPD parliamentary group Deputy Matthias Miersch already in the introduction of the draft by the end of may. After all, the first attempt was failed in the previous legislature of the Union. The Cabinet agreed, although in 2016 the plans of the competent Ministry of Food. The law was decided in the Bundestag but never. Then did nothing. In December 2019, the CDU/CSU gave the group the way for new regulations.

Specifically, the advertising options will be eliminated on a sliding scale. First of all, from 1 to. January 2022, a ban on advertising on outdoor surfaces such as billboards or bus stops for conventional tobacco products. For tobacco heater it should 1. January 2023 grab, E-cigarette from 1. January 2024. From 1. January 2021 taboo cinema advertising for Smoking to be, when the Film for under 18-Year-old is released. The conclusion is to tender be giving out Free samples outside of specialty shops around at music festivals and tobacco products as to Win in price.

For a lot of health experts such steps are overdue, but as it is with loopholes in the compromise? “Major advertising channels” were not included in the prohibition, stated in the opinion of the German cancer research centre for the hearing in the Bundestag. The aims to the exception that outdoor advertising in stores should remain. At least it is clearly and narrowly defined, which means “to trade”. Because without the machines, there were 104 900 points of sale for tobacco products, including petrol stations and supermarkets. And as a “side trade”, often sell writing shops cigarettes goods come in the too often children and young people to obtain school supplies.

in addition, it takes medical practitioners a long time to grab the outdoor advertising bans starting in 2022 and after. In the face of 120, 000 tobacco-related deaths in the year, the comprehensive rules would have to be possible in the short term, in effect, urged the Federal chamber of physicians on the occasion of the first consultation on the application in the Bundestag at the end of may. Prohibited tobacco advertising on Radio and television, Newspapers and magazines.

Other go to far. FDP parliamentary group Deputy Frank Sitta said the dpa: “The prohibition to advertise legal products, is not only totally disproportionate, but could be in the end, with a view to the protection of health as counterproductive, if lower-risk products not mentioned should be.” The vascular surgeon Martin Storck from the Municipal hospital of Karlsruhe explained in his opinion for the hearing, a Quasi-equality of treatment of internal combustion cigarettes with reduced-risk Alternatives send a wrong Signal to smokers. “The consequence of this is that the people Smoking in the absence of better knowledge, more.”

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drug and addiction report of the Federal government, 2019

the item on Thursday’s agenda.