The appointment could hardly have come at a better time for Emmanuel Macron : while the environmentalists have won, municipal, Sunday, several of the large cities like Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg and Marseille, the chief of the State shall receive, on Monday, at the Elysée palace, the 150 members of the ‘Convention’ for climate (CCC). The opportunity for the president to try to provide responses “strong” and “the challenges and expectations of” eco-friendly French.

It is in the green park of the presidential palace, the head of the State will host these French come from the four corners of the country that he asked last year to consider a package of solutions to global warming. Considering that the “green wave” of Sunday is a “barometer of the state of mind of the French people” and shows that ” the ecology is at the heart of their concerns “, the head of the State will be Monday, ” a speech very offensive “, with ” the ambition of ecological asserted “, which will be decisive for the result, according to his relatives. “There are a lot of proposals” on the table, and “the president is going to play on all of the registry” of these measures, said the presidency.

Read also Kervasdoué – Convention for the weather : all this just for that !

“We live in a time toggle”

The meeting will be introduced at 11 a.m. by Elizabeth Bollard, minister of the ecological Transition, before that six members of the JCC drawn at random will take the floor to defend the 149 proposals arising from their work. The head of State knows very expected. In the first place by the 150 members of the CCC who have taken seriously this year by the new participatory democracy that they have conducted since last fall.

“It is now that it must act,” said Sunday, in the JDD Laurence Tubiana, who has co-chaired the process. “We live in a time toggle” for the climate and “it is insane to give this turn to later,” she warned. On the political level, the main unknown regarding a possible referendum, which would be the first ever to be held in France from one who had seen the victory of the ” non ” on the european Constitution in 2005. But, warned the Elysée palace, the work of the CCC ” does not relate to the referendum question “.

“is dealing with the Khmer green”

The Convention called on the executive to submit to a referendum the introduction of the fight against global warming in the Constitution and the creation of a crime of ” ecocide “. But this track does not gather much support in the political class, especially within the majority, which pleads rather for a consultation on more specific proposals of the Convention. One of them is particularly at issue : the reduction of the maximum speed on motorways from 130 to 110 km/h. Two years after the controversy over the 80 km/h, it is the only one to be massively rejected by the French, according to surveys. So, if 62 % of the people surveyed last week by Odoxa approve generally of the proposals, it was decried by 74%.

also Read This Ms road Safety will be entrusted with the fate of the 110 km/h

In response, Laurence Tubiana is claiming that all the work of the Commission is not “held hostage” by this measure. “This is a proposal on 149, so if we wanted to crystallize the opinion we could not have better taken “, has also denounced on Europe 1 the film director Cyril Dion, “the guarantor” of the CCC. “Is dealing with the Khmer green, you want a dictatorship environmentally friendly,” he regretted.

“Reorienting our economy”

In their report, the members of the Convention recognize that some of their proposals “may seem extreme, but warn that they are likely to be” still insufficient to achieve the reduction target of at least 40 % of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 ” that had attached to the executive. If they are selected, their proposals will have an impact on the economic life and everyday as they carry on the thermal renovation of comprehensive and mandatory buildings, the reduction of the place of the car, the tax on the supply ultratransformée or prohibition of genetically modified seed, or heated terraces…

Emmanuel Macron is faced with difficult choices, which are in addition to those, extremely expensive, he needs to take to get out France of the recession in which was exposed the crisis of the Covid-19. For Laurence Tubiana, the president must seize this very particular context, in order to ” take the opportunity to refocus our economy “, ” through the amended finance act for 2020 and in the budget of 2021 “.

also Read Climate : and finally the crime of” ecocide ” !

writing will advise you

The ecological transition to the test of the crisis 110 km/h on the highway : the unsettling ideology of “always less” 110 km/h on the highway : Macron will he take the risk of the referendum ? The macronie is trembling already… for 2022