no, Dieter Romann, 58, is truly not a diplomatic pussyfooter. The President of the Federal police like to make it very clear. Since playing it for the previous several German karate master, no matter if he rubs me the wrong way with his Comments at times politicians.

This week, the PhD is the lawyer felt before: anger and lack of understanding of his people. The brutal attacks of a hyped-up Party-Mobs against police forces and looting of shops in Stuttgart city centre, shocked the boss as well as his troops. Between two helicopter flights Romann answered questions from the FOCUS.

FOCUS: Mr. Romann, last weekend were attacked in Stuttgart police officials brutally. Whence comes this hatred?

Romann Since the tragic death of George Floyd in the United States, the police to the Situation by interested parties in an inadmissible manner with the in Germany. In addition, us is a structural or latent racism. Our training of the police is not to compare with models of other States. It is on the contrary a model for other countries. A structural racism would require that a police organization does not tolerate racism, a minimum of, or even promotes. This is not the case for us. Reuters/Simon Adomat/dpabild police units are gathering to counter-rioters to proceed.

FOCUS: How can a police authority against racism tendencies?

Romann : The Federal police has, to give an example, in the year 2015 only – very successfully – a Trust immediately with me, but in the entire organization, a structure moved in, the care through collegial and a higher level of responsibility the supervisor makes appropriate notes on suspected cases visible.

to the Extent that the allegation of a structural or latent racism out of the game. This made visible racist or extremist suspected cases should be rigorously combated, and in the case of a confirmation not only to disciplinary and criminal proceedings, but also for the removal from the service.

“Certain ideology that uses debate for their own purposes”

FOCUS: But even with the Federal police, there were such incidents?

Romann We had in the last eight years, 25 suspected cases of racism and 36 suspected cases of right-wing extremism The power with a staff body of almost 50,000 employees, mathematically, a rate of about 0.12 per cent since 2012. Of these, a total of 61 suspected cases have been 43 of the Federal police itself on the display. The colleagues in the Federal police to protect this from the inside out against such activities. Therefore, the allegation that the Federal police have a structural or latent racism is a problem is absurd.

FOCUS: The SPD-Chairwoman Saskia esque has accused the security forces latent racism. Such statements are fuelling the hatred of the police?

Romann Overall, I’ve rather the impression that a particular ideology since Minneapolis uses the fundamentally correct anti-racism debate as a stepping-stone for their own purposes – on the back of a citizens ‘ police.

FOCUS: In Stuttgart, but also, for example, at the G-20 summit in 2017, in Hamburg, the police had to protect themselves with the use of forces against looters. Who protects the citizens from violent criminals?

Romann : the police forces of the Länder, and that’s what we do, around the clock. We protect the citizens and know the vast majority of the population behind us. We know after the G-20 summit in 2017 in Hamburg.

“Increased perception of police presence at hotspots,”

FOCUS: What do you attribute this?

Romann : the confidence of the citizens also show us the number of applicants to the Federal police. Last year, over 35,000 applications came to around 3000 Points. The is enormous. 35,000 applicants interested young women and men, including many with a migrant background, are a clear sign of how the population is really up to your Federal police. dpa/Michael Kappeler Dieter Romann, President of the Federal police, speaks to the audience.

FOCUS: Federal police officers are no longer to go to second, but third on Patrol. A response to the violence against the officials?

Romann : since the end of may, 2020, best Matures, the Federal police social focal points in their own area of competence, in particular, at major railway stations, with a minimum of three officers per Patrol. This is a real and consistent approach. The experiences so far are very positive. It is a strengthening of Self-protection, and an increased perception of police presence at the focal points.

FOCUS: The Federal police want to intimidate?

Romann : It has tremendous preventive effects, because it is our police To quite carefully registered. In this context, the Federal Minister of the interior provided for the staff increase for the Federal police, you will be able to the new strip model even more in the area. I am very grateful.

FOCUS: The new constitutional protection report notes that the extreme Left-wing acts of violence committed have risen by 40 percent. Is underestimated the danger from the left?

Romann In the area of the police to avert danger we values not between left-wing extremist, right-wing extremism or other extremist phenomenon areas. And in dealing with Troublemakers, the Federal government is practiced police.

FOCUS: In a “taz”column, police officers were set with waste immediately. Your Opinion?

Romann thank you for your factual interest in the Federal police.

This Text is part of the new FOCUS. Want to read more from the issue 27/20? The last Chapter

Angela Merkel is fighting for her legacy.

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