In Parts of Sweden, Finland and Norway have been measured in the past few days, a slightly increased radioactivity. The organization of the Treaty on the comprehensive prohibition of Nuclear attempts (CTBTO), said on Friday in the short message service Twitter, this is dangerous for people.

she has published a map of the suspected area of origin of the elevated radioactivity is highlighted. It covers the southern third of Sweden, the southern half of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and the North-West of Russia, including St. Petersburg.

No errors at Russian nuclear power plants

established by a Swedish measuring station of the organization registered Isotope (cesium 137, cesium 134 and Ruthenium-103) were “very likely of civilian origin,” said Lassina Zerbo, Secretary-General of the Vienna-based organization CTBTO. His organization was able to identify the probable origin, is not responsible.

The Russian nuclear company Rosenergoatom said in its nuclear power plants, Leningrad and Kola and no errors were detected. The emissions would not have exceeded “in the designated period, the control values,” said a spokesman, according to Russian news agencies.

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Radionuclides from “the direction-West Russia” come

According to the Dutch Institute for public health and the environment “come to the Radionuclides from the direction of West Russia”. A more accurate determination of the measurements is not allowed, however. It was artificial Nuclides. Your composition “may indicate damage to a fuel element in a nuclear power plant,” said the Dutch authority.

Except Russia operate in the Region, Finland and Sweden nuclear power plants. Also there is no event was reported. In the Baltic countries, no reactors are in operation, Lithuania shut down its only Nuclear power plant of Russian design in its entry into the EU.

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