On the Whitsun week-end Höllmüllers Tesla “JH-1” came at last on its maiden voyage on the long-haul, because Höllmüller was planning a family holiday in the lüneburg Heath. What he has experienced on the way from the South to the North, and why the Tesla Model 3 surprised.

“basically, a family vacation, work with a Tesla, just like with a gas car,” says Höllmüller. “Before you leave, you have to pay attention to a few things.” Anyone who is planning a diesel for a longer Tour, you should fill up the tank, wiper water, check tire pressure, wash the car, or at least clean the Windows, the engine-check the Oil level and refill, if required. This applies similarly for E-cars. Tesla Tesla Model 3: the experts assume a high residual value of the electric car – more than the BMW i3

More: I have my Tesla, myself, have picked up so many VW & Co would never have dared to

However, engine oil Checks and filling up accounts for E-cars, because electric motors are maintenance-free and E-cars charging, anyway to the domestic Wallbox. “In the evening I put the Tesla on a 100-percent charge,” says Höllmüller. Thus, the maximum range of 480 km is achieved. Usually he invites his Model 3, namely, only up to 80 percent. “This protects the battery,” he says.

Tesla trunk for the family is sufficient

The trunk of Höllmüllers Model 3 is 425 liters – that’s a little less than a 3-series BMW. “For a family that is also for a longer holiday will be very useful,” says Höllmüller. “We get along so great.”

in addition, the Model provides 3 additional storage space in the trunk under the floor and a whopping 85 litres under the bonnet. “The Frunk is awesome. Because what goes right in,“ says Höllmüller. “Especially if the family wants to wrap up at the end is still something in addition.” The Frunk is very comfortable by the remote control key to open. It was the end of BMW and Co? New Tesla on the Autobahn-Test FOCUS Online Driving here is the end of BMW and Co? New Tesla on the Autobahn-Test

routes and planning

Load The route and load planning is responsible for Tesla, the on-Board computer. “I just entered the destination and check whether the proposed Route makes sense,” says Höllmüller. “This one has a very well organized trip, which incorporates dynamically load points and proposals for the charging duration of shows. Thanks to the time information and recommendations to the driving speed and Battery levels, you will feel completely informed,“ says Höllmüller. “The load planning is super,” says the E-car Fan. “My Problem was more that the Tesla shows no congestion and dynamic congestion avoidance. So you need still addition to Google Maps.“ EFAHRER / MORITZ DIETHELM EFAHRER-in-chief Markus Höllmüller has bought a Tesla Model 3. His conclusion: The processing is not as good as the German premium manufacturer – but significant defects had his car so far, no

Höllmüller waived On the return journey on the second navigation system. Prompt the Tesla in Göttingen guided him in a traffic jam. “The motorway was closed and we were all of four hours. This time, a lot of well-spent time to talk with the family. Under normal circumstances, however, a small nightmare. Without having to launch Google Maps, it won’t happen to me.“

Navi-weakness: Google Maps is indispensable

The consumption was in a traffic jam imperceptibly low. Also in the Winter, the heating system draws in hot-driven battery duration of only about one to two kW. With a 75-kWh Tesla you could spend almost three days in a traffic jam.

Who has an electric car, never needs re-Gas. But electric cars need electricity. “Electricity Refueling”, however, is completely different than “Fuel-Refuel”. How to charge your E-car at its simplest, low-cost and CO2-neutral in the EFAHRER-charging leader.

travel in Tesla: The relaxed three and a half hours-rhythm

“Super relaxed”, don’t Höllmüller the Tesla stuck in a traffic jam. “In the Model 3 Long-Range travelling in a very relaxed rhythm. We are usually driven with a recommended speed of 130 km/h and have loaded all three and a half hours a break – to recharge and Relax. Since the pressure is not to want to rush through, as in the burners. Especially with children this is a great advantage.“ Cattle-man in A Tesla Model 3 at a Tesla Supercharger. If no charging station is ready, you need to E-car be inventive – to pin somewhere electricity is forbidden

The Store is thanks to Tesla’s Supercharger charging infrastructure is not a Problem. Just go there, plug in and you’re done. In the case of other manufacturers without their own charging infrastructure is not so easy. “When I’m with my BMW i3 to Italy, was somewhat more complex, although the range of 300 kilometers was shorter,” says Höllmüller.

“The Charge at the Tesla Station makes a good mood: to download Always a free space with up to ten charging points, functional Design, and good feeling, largely green electricity, as Tesla is, 80 percent of its Load-current in Germany is green energy,” says Höllmüller. But he also has a suggestion: “Now it’s just good Cafés and services, a lack of charging stations in General. Some of the E-car drivers I have mats with yoga and Fitness to the charging stations spotted.“ Better than the 911, Panamera and Tesla? As well the first electric Porsche FOCUS Online/Wochit Better than the 911, Panamera and Tesla? As well the first electric Porsche

As a Non-Tesla drivers, you should create by using third-party Apps, a Route with a charging planning, the often remote charging posts to find and awkward with the Smartphone or a special charge card to unlock. This works not always, and provide “cost transparency”.

the charging stations are in need of more Service-environment

Also, the charging performance of the Model 3 praises Höllmüller: “If you get infected the discharged Tesla at the charging station, rises the charging power to 140 kW and goes back after some time at 60 kW. In less than half an hour the battery is at 80 percent.“ The load column you are happy about the good Entertainment program from Tesla: “Netflix, Youtube, Spotfiy and Tune are entertaining options for the short Wait on the road”. Höllmüller The Tesla also gives tips about the Tempo restrictions, if you

The Store wants to reach the destination without charging he had come with other Tesla drivers to the conversation. “Many of which are previously decades, German Premium cars and now to love your Tesla,” says Höllmüller. The Tesla driver also regret that there is no reasonable electric car offering from the German manufacturers – from € 40,000, with a range of 400 km and neatly in place. It will be difficult, the lost customers recover.

“An electric-Hyundai driver did not fare well. The tried to a Dutch charging station to the other and rustled eventually unsuccessful from. The charging column was only a Dutch warning, and was otherwise not enable.“ The Load-experience of independent providers is still a clear challenge for a happy electric car rice experience. “And since Tesla is the trump card so far,” says Höllmüller.

This article was written by Moritz Diethelm

*The post “With the electric car from Munich to Hamburg: Why the power only with Tesla fun” is published by EFAHRER.com. Contact with the executives here.

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