Guest of France Info this morning, the mep Pascal Canfin was inexhaustible praise on the efforts of the government in the field of ecology after the green wave to the municipal. “France is one of the leading countries of this transition in Europe, according to the environmental NGOS in europe who rank France in the top 3. This is a reason of pride French “, assured the former minister of François Hollande, headlining In march ! in the last european elections. However, it lacked one vote to the candidates of the majority in order to feel comforted. His.

” I’m going to answer you very honestly that I did not vote in the local elections because I live in Brussels and I don’t see why I will vote in the local elections in France. I live in Brussels, where is the essential activity of the european Parliament in Strasbourg, ” replied Pascal Canfin, ministrable sensed in view of the next redesign. A response of “very practical” the confession of the person concerned, before kicking into touch at the microphone of France Info : “However, once again, I hope that the ecological transition is accelerating, and this is exactly the fight that I lead at the european Parliament. “

Read also Coignard – Municipal : more green than me, you die !

Contacted by The Point, the entourage of Pascal Canfin evokes “a logical choice”, and explains that he did not want to vote for an election ” first local “. However, it would be still registered on the electoral lists in France. As to who to EELV, his former party, or In march ! would have had her favours, his team prefers to rely on the secrecy of the voting booth. With 58.4 per cent of forbearance, and less than one voter in two, these municipal elections have been the least followed of the Fifth Republic.

Read also Yannick Jadot, king of oil

writing will advise you

Abstention, thrust-green, LR… the results of The municipal 10 questions