Turkey replica. Ankara strongly denounced Tuesday 30 June 2020 approach as “destructive” of France in Libya, accusing it of seeking to strengthen the presence of Russia in this country torn by a civil war since 2011. These remarks virulent intervene in the aftermath of an exit of the president of france Emmanuel Macron, who had accused Turkey to have a “historical responsibility and criminal” in this conflict.

“France, that Macron is leading, or rather that he can’t direct at this time, not to be found (in Libya) that, to continue its interests with a mindset that is destructive,” said the head of the diplomacy of the Turkish Mevlut Cavusoglu. “On the one hand, the Nato considers Russia as a threat. But on the other, France, a Nato member, is working to strengthen the presence of Russia ” in Libya, he added at a press conference in Ankara.

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Escalating tensions

These heated exchanges arise in the midst of escalating tensions between Ankara and Paris, two allies in Nato who have opposing positions in the conflict in Libya. Turkey has been supporting militarily the Government of national unity (GNA), recognized by the UN, in the face of the dissident forces of field marshal Khalifa Haftar, strong man of the eastern part of the country. The latter is supported by the united arab Emirates, Egypt and Russia. France, although she claims to the contrary, has also been supported by Khalifa Haftar, according to many analysts.

Mevlüt Cavusoglu, has said that in spite of the divergent interests of Turkey and Russia in Libya, the two countries ” are working on a cease-fire.” Since the fall of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 after a popular revolt, Libya is plunged into the chaos of conflict and power struggles. While the forces of Haftar, who launched in April an offensive to take control of Tripoli, seemed to have the wind in its sails there are still a few weeks, the situation is reversed under the effect of using the Turkish made to the RNG. Supported by drones of Ankara, the forces pro-NEG now threaten to take Sirte, the strategic lock to the East, a red line for Egyptian threat to intervene militarily.

also Read Osama Rezg : “there is not that the war in Libya”

in the Face of growing criticism, insistent of France, Turkey has left burst its anger in recent days. “It is necessary to question and criticize, it is the policy of the France, more specifically the Macron (…) Macron should realise that take in the same way the Turkey does not bring him anything about the plan of internal policy. I hope that he will learn, ” said Mr. Cavusoglu on Tuesday.

writing will advise you

TRIBUNE. In Libya, the Turkey falls on the mask