the cells in Our body consist of proteins, and proteins called. They are fabric in the construction of body tissue such as muscle, nerve and connective, metabolism, or the function of the immune system involved. These protein bodies are composed of different amino acids. Of the 21 amino acids required for protein building, can, however, be at least produced nine by the body. You must therefore be obtained from food.

Not a lack of protein in a balanced diet

According to the German nutrition society (DGE) is the guideline value for daily protein requirements in children, adolescents, and adults between 0.8 and 1 gram per kilogram of body weight – with a weight of 60 pounds so that’s about 50 grams a day. Infants, Pregnant women and nursing mothers require slightly more. These values will not be achieved permanently, there is a protein deficiency. Various functions of the body are disturbed or weakened, including the immune defence, wound healing or muscle building.

Often it is suggested that a vegetarian or vegan way of life due to the lack of animal sources of protein to a protein deficiency. However, this is not the case, if you pay attention, in the context of a balanced diet with sufficient calorie intake, and a wide range of vegetable sources of protein consumed.

The benefits of plant-based proteins

proteins get stuck in both animal (meat, fish, dairy products, eggs) and plant products (legumes, nuts, grain). Even if animal protein sources to meet the needs of Protein with smaller amounts, can be compensated for the lack of amino acids in individual plant sources of protein through the combination of appropriate food.

Plant-based protein sources, it is often said that they are hard to digest. Sleeve to be cooked, fruits and cereals, however, crushed, or soaked, it promotes their digestibility. The reason that plant proteins may be healthier than an animal, is also the fact that they pose no risks for elevated cholesterol or cardiovascular disease.

Also with regard to their environmental footprint, cut vegetable proteins better. For the production of one kilogram of animal Protein in the Form of meat, approximately 11 kilograms of vegetable Protein such as, for example, the feeding of soy are required. It is, therefore, also be ecologically much more meaningful to consume this Protein directly without any animals to feed, so meat-free.

These foods are the best vegetable sources of protein

1. Nuts and seeds

nuts are the ideal providers of Protein. More than a handful per day You should not, however, due to the high proportion of Fat to take from You. Particularly rich in protein, peanuts 26 grams, and almonds, with 21 grams per 100 grams. But also walnuts and hazelnuts are full of Protein. Seeds such as sesame, linseed, Chia, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds also contain a lot of protein. Hemp seeds are 31.5 grams per 100 grams of true protein bombs.

2. Soy and Tempeh

products based on soya are rich in proteins. Textured soya protein such as soya cutting, for example, contains 21 grams per 100 grams. Tempeh comes with 20 grams of also almost to this value. Soy yogurt and milk contain four grams per 100 grams of relatively little Protein. As for the soy huge forest growing in South America and the Savannah areas are converted into arable land and thus the habitat is lost for many plants and animals, You should keep Your soy consumption is rather low or at the regional cultivation of attention .

A more climate-friendly and protein-rich Alternative could be called, according to a recent study, Fava beans (also broad bean), which can be cultivated by us, and the soybean in terms of color, taste and Texture is just as good.

3. Cereal

cereals such as rice, oats, millet, wheat or spelt should stand as a source of vegetable protein, often on the dining plan. With 17 grams per 100 grams of oats contain lots of protein, but also whole-grain flour made from wheat or rye is a valuable supplier of Protein. the pseudo-cereals such as Quinoa, Amaranth and millet has an average of only four grams.

4. Legumes

low-Calorie legumes you should consume, especially for a vegan or vegetarian diet every day. In combination with cereals and nuts that can be eaten throughout the day, creates an ideal composition of amino acids. So, for example, in the case of rice and beans or Pita with Hummus. On average, cooked soy beans, peas, lentils include beans such as Fava beans and co. an average of about seven grams of Protein per 100 grams of product. In the raw state, it is much more, and although the Twice – or four times.

5. Vegetables

In vegetable spinach, broccoli, cabbage and mushrooms are high on the list of health-promoting sources of protein. The potato has a very good amino acid composition and a good protein is, therefore, supplier, as well as artichokes and tomatoes. Fruits compared to vegetables little Protein. Papaya, Orange, banana, melon and Mango, however, is still the most.

6. Protein powder

last but Not least, be vegetable protein powder as a Supplement to the above-mentioned foods are a good source of protein. In particular, if an Allergy to nuts, legumes or soy are present. Hemp protein powder is considered to be very well tolerated and contains 50 grams of protein on 100 grams. In the case of the respective rice products is about 80 grams. Soy or pea protein powder is not only popular with the athletes.

Good protein supplier from the code check the database

Rapunzel hemp seeds shelled

enerBiO peanut butter

Rinatura organic millet

Fit-n-Free organic Red lentil Pasta gluten-free

tinder afterglow – protein powder-natural 500g

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*The post pulls out of you suddenly “Healthy without meat: The published the best plant-based protein sources” will code check. Contact with the executives here.