Grand coalition-News: Söder speaks in front of CSU-date – also of the CDU-tip advises today

Monday, may 6. July, 8.43 PM: In less than an hour, the Bavaria represents the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU), the press. Thereafter, the CSU Board comes to the discussions – but again only via video conference. This will be in addition to current topics in addition to the digital party work in the centre. The Board wants to decide on the convening of a virtual party for the month of September. Party chief Söder had announced this some time ago, also in view of the successful small party tags in may.

The next great presence in the party Congress should take place in November. Last Söder announced that the Meeting is expected to be on a date in December was postponed. Then the CSU will celebrate its 75th anniversary.

With the video conference on Monday, the CSU to get a originally, two weeks before the scheduled Unlock. The appointment had been postponed because of Söder adopted just at the time the Emeritus Pope Benedict, after his Bavaria-visit at the airport.

Also, the CDU-top consulting – AKK-successor to a topic

The CDU in the top also this Monday (9.00 a.m.) to their last regular meeting before the summer break. Five months before the scheduled election Congress of the party in Stuttgart, at the battle of candidacy to the succession of party leader Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, emerges, are likely to play, the Statements made by CSU leader Markus Söder to the candidacy of the Union. Kramp-Karrenbauer had said on Sunday in a German TV Interview that there is in the party’s a broad request that it’s sent to the Congress without a fight candidacy.

In the party, there are strong fears that if the issues of the CDU chairmanship and Union-candidacy-will be discussed to death in the political silly season, could break the currently good poll numbers quickly. According to surveys, Söder is the favorite of the citizens fall for the Union’s Chancellor candidate, laschet’s popularity ratings. On the question to his ambitions to stand as a candidate, replied Söder: “My place is in Bavaria. But I want to make as Prime Minister and CSU party Chairman my contribution, that we are successful in Germany.” Whether or not the subject also plays in the virtual session of the CSU Board (10.00 PM), a role that was open.

he Wants to or he doesn’t want to? CDU-man pressure on Söder in the case of the K-question

Friday, 3. July, 06.43 PM: In the debate about the next Chancellor candidate of the Union of the CDU in the economic wing of the CSU-Chairman Markus Söder early clarity as to whether Söder would like to compete as a candidate.

The news magazine FOCUS, the Deputy CDU/CSU said group Chairman and Chairman of the funds WITH the state Association, Carsten Linnemann, “the decision for a new CDU Chairman, is inevitably connected with the question of the candidacy for Chancellor.”

Therefore, would have to know the delegates of the CDU-party tags, whether or not the CSU’s wool to set up an own candidate for Chancellor or not. “Otherwise, tensions could harm the Union as a whole, threaten,” said Linnemann the FOCUS. Söder is so far an open question whether the Chancellor candidacy for the Bundestag election of 2021 for him is out of the question.

dispute on electoral law reform: Grand coalition opposition’s proposal throws of the agenda

Wednesday, 1. July, 10.45 am: , The Bundestag will vote on Friday on the common law design of Greens, FDP and Left for electoral reform. This was impossible, because of the interior Committee on Wednesday has not completed its deliberations on the draft.

the CDU/CSU and SPD would have discontinued the item due to alleged further demand for Advisory services, said the First Parliamentary managing Director of the Green group, Britta Haßelmann. “We have zero understanding,” she said. “We are running out of time.” The draft law of the three factions in the Bundestag since 2019. There had been an experts consultation, in which it was clear that the draft Constitution is in accordance with and fair.

Grand coalition-News: In the election to the right-penetrates deeply into the point of dispute Dobrindt against SPD man Oppermann

Tuesday, 30. June 2020, 12.28 PM: For the SPD, it is a matter of the heart, in the Union, however, there is less enthusiasm for the proposed basic pension. Also, because the promised funding is not yet in sight. Nevertheless, you want to give in now due to strategic reasons, but with noise.

the Chairman of The CSU land group, Alexander Dobrindt, does not want to face the possible adoption of the basic pension this Friday in the way. “In spite of the open funding questions,” he wanted to give the green light and not “with the theme of the summer break record”. It is a matter of security for pensioners. He stressed that the CSU is set for the future on a European financial transaction tax.

In the debate on the electoral reform Dobrindt Bundestag, Vice-Chairman Thomas Oppermann (SPD) has sharply criticized. “Smart-ass as Mr. Oppermann” had to get that in the previous parliamentary term, in a leading responsibility in the SPD group, no Reform, said Dobrindt in front of journalists in Berlin.

Cem Özdemir went over to rye: “your identitary chatter before disgusts me” FOCUS Online/Wochit Cem Özdemir buttoned rye: “your identitary chatter disgusts me,” “Cannabis is not a broccoli”: drugs officer responded patzig to a Reporter question, FOCUS Online/Wochit “Cannabis is not a broccoli”: drugs officer responded patzig on Reporter-question

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