Currently, the term “Generation Z” in the Turkish Public all the rage. It is the young Turks, who were mostly born after the turn of the Millennium. A Generation that does not know a Turkey without the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and without the Islamic-conservative government party AKP. A Generation that’s lots of love in the social media and the Smartphone in the Hand is raised.

A curious incident, the age group became the center of attention: Young school leavers are prepared for the country-wide should be centrally held examination for admission to the University (YKS), at the end of July. The exam, which is for many young people is of vital importance, was suddenly brought forward a month – on the 27. and 28. June.

tourism is more important than education? Turkish youth is confused> <p prospective students were outraged, because they assume that economic calculus behind the decision. A forward, so the suspicion should revive due to the Corona-pandemic crisis threatening the tourism industry of the country. Because due to the one-month shortened Cramming, the young Turks, more time for vacation, in spite of the increased risk of Infection. The Turkish government denied this, however.

“It’s terrible that tourism and the economy were made in this decision about health,” says the 19-year-old Asli from Ankara, which wanted to participate for the second Time to the Central test YKS, and therefore a special status under Stress.

“we are Now in a Situation in which you no longer know who to trust anymore,” said Fatih, a student from Ankara. Even shortly before the new test date was not really clear, whether it is moved or not? “This is Turkey; here anything can happen,” complained Fatih.

youth against Erdogan: “My voice can’t You get”

your dissatisfaction, let the young people of the Turkish President, on their way feel: As Erdogan, a day before the Central test in a live broadcast on Youtube during a “Meeting with youth”, with nice words to the young voters spent, made many of the participants no secret of the fact that they are angry.

thousands wrote during Erdogan’s appearance-critical and sneering comments; don’t split the Hashtag “OyMoyYok” – “My voice You’re gonna get”. Afterwards, the students moved on to the next platform on Twitter, your criticism and your Hashtags as a wildfire spread.

Who are the Generation Z, the fears Erdogan is?

Since this guerrilla action is the so-called Generation Z, has become the object of research. It is in the same age group, who came between 1995 and 2010 on the world, a Generation is estimated to almost belong to the 13 million young people. In future elections, they could play a crucial role. Many of you may soon to choose for the first Time and constitute at the same time a confusing voice potential.

A large-scale study by the Institute Gezici Araştirma Merkezi, Generation Z took in twelve Turkish provinces under the magnifying glass – especially the investigation should gain knowledge about their religious Belief, their belief and their choice preferences.

55 percent of Generation Z have an influence on the choice of the parents

behavior of “This Generation will be in the upcoming parliamentary elections in the year 2023, the key players,” predicts the head of the Institute, Murat Gezici. The young people would push up twelve percent of the total votes, and the choice of your topics are especially “justice” and “income”.

researchers Gezici describes these young people “as an environmentally-friendly, compassionate, sensitive and reflective” than the older generations. In addition, the study found that 55 percent of Generation Z’s influence on the electoral behavior of their parents. The other way around but that is not true: “87.5 percent of the young people surveyed reported that their parents are not able to affect their choice preferences”, Gezici. It is not see then, that you hold of traditional values a lot, so the head of the Institute.

Turkey is in upheaval due to dissatisfaction of Generation Z

the Turkish Youngsters for Erdogan’s party, delight is also to be expected with regard to the economic crisis – youth unemployment is in the age group of 15 to 24 years, according to the Turkish statistical Institute (TUIK) for months at a level of about 25 percent. A lot of young, qualified Turks will take it, therefore, to other European countries – a talent Exodus that could affect the long-term negative impact on the Turkish labour market. /Anadolu Agency/O. Coban, Erdogan is afraid of the Generation Z

Barış Ülgen, has just completed a course of study in electrical engineering at the Istanbul Sabancı University, don’t see any party that he feels represents completely and he will give his voice would. He can see the future of Turkey pessimistic. “I love my country, but I think I’m going to go for some time abroad.”

the 17-year-old student Simge Koraltan, complains about the uncertainty in their country. “Here, you can’t predict what will happen in the next two years”. You have thanks to your education opportunities abroad, but actually she wanted to leave their country unwillingly.

Erdogan and the AKP: A policy only for the Old?

According to the views of the journalist and academic, Can Ertuna, it was not possible to reach these young people on “the old way”. Since the Generation of Z was above all in the social networks on the go, need a completely new language. “We are talking here of young people who use Youtube as a search engine and the news on Instagram follow.” In addition, you would have to provide much more solutions to their age-specific problems, so Ertuna.

The analyst Nezih Onur Kuru criticizes the government, because Islam could appeal to conservative AKP and the ultra-nationalist MHP, especially the elderly, Conservative, and the rural population. They had to live far from the youthful style far. “The indignation wave around the Central exam was a turning point. Exactly how the upcoming parliamentary elections in the year 2023, a turning point will be when the voters of the Generation Z are tipping the scales.”

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*The post “Erdogan is afraid of the Generation Z” published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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