In Mali, the days follow and resemble each other as to the political atmosphere of suspicion, in the place of president Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta. In fact, this Sunday, the challenge has kept the pressure on the power calling for new demonstrations and demanding the resignation of the president Keïta, who, him, has renewed its offer of government of national unity for the country. According to the AFP, the leaders of the protest movement said of the 5 June, a coalition of religious leaders and personalities from civil society and the political world, have met in the afternoon.

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A meeting crucial between the protesters and the president Keïta…

This meeting’s objective was to décrisper the political situation. In power since 2013, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita is now at the head of a country shaken by many events. The strong political agitation that accompanies the Mali risk of shake, even more strongly this country that is already facing since 2012 in of the jihadist attacks which are mixed with clashes are murderers. The violence spread to neighbouring countries.

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… which has not yielded the expected results

“The president Keïta has turned a deaf ear” and ” has royally ignored the demands contained in a memorandum from the movement said in the 5 June “, said the coalition in a press release issued Sunday and reported by the AFP, a few hours after his meeting with the leader of mali. These demands included the dissolution of Parliament and the formation of a government of transition whose movement would nominate the First minister, that the president could not dismiss. After the meeting on Sunday, the movement “reaffirms more than ever its determination to obtain through the legal channels and legitimate the resignation, pure and simple,” the head of State. It was, however, on 1 July reported to the resignation of president Keita, a precondition to dialogue.

The movement has also not appreciated that the president Keïta has returned to discussions with the parties of the presidential majority, which, according to him ” has no power “. It, therefore, calls for ” a stronger engagement on Friday, July 20, 2020 and the following days on the whole national territory and in the diaspora.”

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Already, the previous day, a meeting between the imam Dicko and the president Keïta

as a reminder, the leader of this protest movement, the imam Mahmoud Dicko, was received Saturday in Bamako by the malian president, announced on Sunday the presidency on Twitter. “We talked about everything that concerns this crisis, and the country in general. I think that with the will of everyone and of all parties concerned, we will, Inshallah [God willing] in the past, find the solution, ” said the imam Dicko at the end of the meeting, in a video released by the presidency. The president Keïta has “welcomed” the meeting with the leaders of the protest movement, which is “the victory of Mali,” according to a press release from the presidency released on Sunday evening. “Calm the current crisis and secure the release of our brother the honourable Soumaïla Cissé are his priorities in the moment,” added the presidency. Mr. Cissé, leader of the opposition, was kidnapped on 25 march by jihadists suspected then that he was in campaign for the legislative in the region of Timbuktu, in the north-west of the country.

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Read also : Mali the demonstration of the power of the imam Mahmoud Dicko

The offer of government of national union reiterated

The president of mali also indicated that they have ” renewed the invitation (to the protests) to integrate the government of national unity that it offers, and the formation of which urge, ” according to the news release. The movement says June 5, has been down in the streets of the capital, tens of thousands of people on two occasions in June. The parliamentary elections of march-April, and the decision of the constitutional Court to pick a thirty candidates reported being beaten, including a dozen of the presidential majority, are considered as a trigger for this mobilization.


writing will advise you

Mali : Soumaïla Cissé, a kidnapping unprecedented in Mali : the demonstration of the power of the imam Mahmoud Dicko Issa Kaou Djime : “IBK is the problem of Mali” Movement anti-IBK : what is said outside of Bamako