“Since April, landed in Berlin, 5200 people in the basic social security (which corresponds to the Hartz-IV-set), which were previously self-employed.” The Berlin “Morgenpost” reported. To come to the self-employed, mini-jobbers, and other Eligible parties to apply for the state Aid yet.

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nationwide, more Hartz IV recipients

This trend can also be seen nationwide, find. The latest statistics of the Federal employment Agency (BA). You referred to ALG II as a “basic security benefits for jobseekers (SGB II)”.

The BA statistics collected currently, 4,076 million citizens as “employable persons”. The citizens, who might be working, this is currently not do – especially because they are unemployed.

The number rose in June compared with may to of 53,000, i.e. 1.3 per cent. More striking is the increase between June 2020 and June 2019. Here is the Plus with 152.000 – so 3.9% was .

Also interesting: Future Hartz-IV recipients: economic crisis makes a lot of migrants unemployed

The total number is completed by the “non-employable beneficiaries” in the amount of 1.6 million of Guarantor. A total of around 5.7 million citizens of the Federal Republic Hartz-IV-services related to the end of June 2020. The Plus compared with the same month last year is 161.000.

The authority lists in your figures for the self-employed specifically. But in Berlin, the registered Trend is also expected to apply nationwide, more and more self-employed fall into Hartz IV.

The German law distinguishes between two forms of unemployment benefit (ALG):

  • ALG: It is financed by the employees on unemployment insurance. This means: “The unemployment money, the whether and how long someone is in the unemployment insurance insured was”, explains how the employment Agency. An important prerequisite for the receipt of ALG:I: An applicant was in the 30 months before the unemployed a minimum of 12 months subject to compulsory insurance for employees. Affected can expect several jobs together.
  • ALG II: This is a social services for the needy , can not earn their living with their own financial resources. The state provides this as a basic security performance, to be referred to citizens who had not worked prior to your unemployment employees subject to social security – i.e., the self-employed, unpaid family nationalities, as well as exclusively marginally Employed (“Minijobbber”).

has anyone Who was not employed subject to social insurance contributions, and no reserves, must have ALG II, better known as Hartz IV – request.

number of Hartz IV recipients is likely to continue

to grow as Long as the Corona crisis is weighing on the German labour market, expect to experts no decrease of recipients of ALG-2 benefits. On the contrary, The Figures are likely to increase. Reason: Currently do not need to sign up in financial problems, plug the end of the company’s insolvency. This duty has exposed the Federal government until the end of September. The old regulation is effective 1. October, but is back in force – with a flood of reports of Insolvency, as skeptics fear. Should this occur, increase the Numbers of the unemployed and ALG II-recipients, again not noticeable.

These terms and conditions to applicants of ALG II

meet to be eligible For state aid, applicants must meet several conditions, such as the BA explained on the Internet. You have, in principle, be “capable of working and performance,” to be entitled to, as well as

  • a minimum of 15 years of age
  • the age limit for pension not yet
  • be able to work on a daily basis for at least three hours
  • live in Germany and here the focus of their lives have come

To that members of a community of need – in the rule of a household are in need of assistance. This means that the income of individual members is below the existence minimum.

at the same time, the following applies: he Who is not capable of working, can not receive ALG II. For this circle of eligible persons, there is the so-called social money.

The application process itself is a multi-step process. These five steps include: BA For a successful application on Hartz IV need to audition to be Concerned, personally.

Chargeable income and wealth

The state is: ALG II, only to help the needy people. Therefore, residents must use up their own financial resources, before you can get government assistance. This means that anyone Who earns an income or asset they must secure “so that only his livelihood”.

The income according to the BA, in principle, all revenue, such as pay, parental or sickness benefits, child allowance, as well as capital income in the Form of interest and dividends.

The added revenue reduces the employment office of the applicable exemption amounts. To do this, about 100 euros for all income from employment belong to.

assets and allowances

applicants must also have assets to gain credits. To do this,

  • cash,
  • savings deposits, securities,
  • capital life insurance
  • valuables, such as jewelry, but also vehicles
  • house and land property, condominiums

a rating of The assets, the Jobcenter if it “can be used for living expenses among other things:” as it says on the BA Website.

Also to the assets of the applicant may deduct exemption amounts.
Thus, for example, the basic tax-free allowance for persons of full age. He is “up to 150 Euro per year of age”, as stated by the Federal Ministry for labour and social Affairs. Specifically, this means: Any eligible Person as well as your Partner can make a free minimum amount of 3100 euros and depending on the age up to 10.050 euros to claim it.

in addition, the job center granted an allowance for old-age reserves. It is located at a maximum of 50.250 euros. These children come free amounts and amounts for necessary purchases.

Also a “self-occupied house or a condo” will not be counted as assets if the size of the property and living space is appropriate. There are maximum values: In the case of two persons in the household, a condo with a living area up to 80 square metres is considered appropriate. The house plot shall not exceed 90 square meters.

the height of the ALG II

“The benefits of rule requirements, more requirements and needs for accommodation and heating together,” the bureaucracy in the policy. The benefits for education and participation may come.

height of the rule requirements for the securing of livelihood since 1.1.2020 Jobcenter

more needs to flow as a lump sum amounts in addition to the rule required, for example for expectant mothers from the 13th. Week of pregnancy.

This includes funds for housing and heating are still to come. The cost must be “reasonable”.

applicants and recipients of Hartz IV recipients are obliged to cooperate with the authorities. You need to actively report when your data Changes. If they do not, they must reckon with sanctions. They usually take three months. Therefore, the urgent Council: A ntragsteller should necessarily give truthful information.

All the Details to the ALG II find interested in the Internet at the employment Agency. For further information, additional brochure more helps need.

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