Roselyne Bachelot is not an old lady, it is an avant-garde. When she has the opportunity, in the aftermath of the defeat of Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012, to regain his seat of mp, the minister of Solidarity prefers to leave the political world. “I am not presented to the legislative and I am no longer in the political life elective. I have professional projects that have become public. Of old gentlemen in politics, it is sad, but old ladies, it’s pathetic “, she said then. His future is elsewhere. Exit the gilding of the national Assembly, ended the boring RIM (cross-departmental meetings, ED), farewell to the games of politics without end, and hello to the small screen.

In an era rife with columnists of any kind, and where the distrust of politicians is at its highest level, the bet Linda is a winner. It’s on the Big 8 to the side of Laurence Ferrari, Audrey Pulvar that it sharpens his arrows. In 2013, she crucifies his former comrade of the government, Claude Guéant, set in an opulent sale of paintings : “it is Either a liar or a thief. “His former comrades of the then UMP fulminent, Linda cares blithely. “Linda is on the boards, it was something. We dézinguait all. It had not been understood, but it was his way to make us understand that she had permanently left the political life “, remembers one of his old friends of the right.

also Read Roselyne Bachelot : “My dear, take your coat astrakhan”

The minister, who was right too soon

As of 2015, she became a resident of the Big Heads of Laurent Ruquier on RTL and, a year later, batifole even on Fort Boyard. For two years, it is about LCI is that the former minister shoots his arrows in The Hour Bachelot first and then very good company on The Club le Chatelier. After Fort Boyard, the viewers had to find it again by 2020 in the Queens shopping on the M6 at the time of issuance. For many critics, these past eight years to ripailler television démonétisent completely the former minister. One of his ex-colleagues in the government, who is telling the arrival of Roselyne Bachelot in government, prevails : “The macronisme, that is, to minister of Culture a old-fashioned which will in Hanouna, and that is the lesson to all the world. “”She is anything but old-fashioned,” replied the journalist Bénédicte Le Chatelier at the helm of the Club Le Chatelier on LCI with Roselyne Bachelot. This is a woman so modern, cultured, who debate with force and respect for the other. Above all, it is a woman with convictions, self-tapping body. Beliefs that she defended, often against the winds and tides. “

A stock, by definition, it is already set up to be able to protect.

As Roselyne Bachelot, in some cases, because too early. A lot too early. Back to 2009 : the pandemic influenza A (H1N1) strikes a number of countries, including France. The then minister of Health, supported by the head of State Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime minister François Fillon, order not less than 94 million doses of vaccine and sign a cheque of $ 195 million euros for the acquisition of 1.7 billion surgical masks and FFP2. But, with 342 deaths in France, the balance of the disease is less heavy than expected and the Court of accounts in September 2010 draws harsh conclusions : only 8.5% of the population vaccinated to 662 million euros spent. In total, it is a fifty million doses of vaccines that the State makes to the laboratories.

Read also Coignard – Roselyne Bachelot : and here comes the “tata flingueuse”

The criticism poured in, the controversy rises, the parliamentary inquiries in the Senate and the national Assembly are on the rise… The oppositions are crying out for the jamboree, but Roselyne Bachelot takes before the parliamentarians of the time : “The masks are a stock of caution – forgive me if this word becomes a swear word here. And this is not, of course, the moment when a pandemic will occur that will constitute the stock. A stock, by definition, it is already set up to be able to protect. “Ten years later, in full pandemic Covid-19, France takes several weeks to obtain supplies of masks, lack of stocks.

Read also Coignard – Shortage of masks : a celebration of the years Chirac

It is thus in this star of the small screen and former minister mocked then defended that Emmanuel Macron has decided to entrust the keys of the ministry of Culture. Love unconditionally opera and classical music, Roselyne Bachelot will have the heavy task to replace Franck Riester, a minister regularly decried that has never truly managed to establish itself among the actors of the culture. “A new Prime minister is a fan of music, mayor of Prades, at the foot of the Canigou home of the Pablo Casals Festival “, tweeted the day of the appointment of Jean Castex at Matignon. A call of the foot ?

writing will advise you

Coignard – Roselyne Bachelot : and here comes the “tata flingueuse” Coignard – Shortage of masks : a celebration of the years Chirac