” I fear a second wave as early as this summer. “Despite the steady decline in the number of cases of new coronavirus in France, the Pr Eric Caumes, service chief of infectious diseases at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, is not optimistic. In the columns of Paris, Monday July 6, 2020, the expert died, witness of the “great laxity” shown by the Hexagon in the light of the health crisis.

Eric Caumes fustigates in particular the letting go that reign in the border, particularly in airports, who are yet to face a flow of travellers potentially contaminated Covid-19. Then as the good student austrian “trace” the tourists taking their coordinated, the countries of the Pastor merely asks the visitor if he has symptoms. “Not a phone number, nothing !” fulminates the doctor. And prevention : “treating the virus with contempt, we will catch up. “

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Where are the 700 000 tests per week that we were promised ?

According to him, France has “lost its culture of health” in the last fifteen years. Result : “For the Covid-19, there is no treatment, no vaccine […]. Where are the 700 000 tests per week that we were promised ? “The poor management of the flows of travellers would not be the only “release” guilty of the Hexagon. Eric Caumes attended, annoyed, to the organization of the second round of the municipal elections. “No action barrier was met, there were hugs, braces, tightening of hand. The policies do not give the good example : they see the straw in the eye of the neighbor, not the beam in their own, ” storm-t-he front of the journalists working for the daily île-de-france.

Some of the clusters have been identified early, of course, but probably not all, ” adds the scientist, who recalls that 20 % of the holders of the Covid-19 are asymptomatic, whereas 50% of other not to develop only mild symptoms. Of the fear a summer of all the dangers. The doctor wants to prove that the unit Covid of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital is full. “Cases continue to arrive. Three were hospitalized this weekend. Then, of course, we see fewer cases than during the epidemic, but their number goes up a bit “, he says.

Read also Covid – Words of internal : “We do not know to treat these patients,”

The order for France Dr. Caumes : resorting to mass tests, draw the tourists, and placing in quarantine those who come from countries where the pandemic rages still. A treatment to follow throughout the summer.