On command going to be Donnie in the hall. The Belgian shepherd dog from sniffing everything that comes in front of the nose. Finally, he puts it in an Opening with an odour sample and remains seconds. For this, he gets a reward, a yellow game ball.

the Bundeswehr describes a scene in Germany the only service dog school at elm, in the volcanic Eifel region. Donnie is a participant in a research project in collaboration with the Foundation University of Veterinary medicine (TiHo) in Hannover. This should show whether or not the service dogs of the German armed forces are able to detect an infection with the Coronavirus at the smell of saliva samples.

sniffer dogs are not able to perceive the molecular composition of an odor, only the use of explosives or drugs, but also the threat of low blood sugar from diabetes, and various cancers of sampling the respiratory air of a patient.

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On this basis, it is also the source of the Corona-project. The idea behind this is that the dogs may have certain components in saliva-smell of an Infected wahrnemen can not, the existence of a Non-Infected.

The three-year-old Donnie is one of the ten dogs of the army, to learn the Detection of a Corona of infection. Are trained shepherd dogs, spaniels and retrievers, as the service dog school has announced. The dogs are versatile, Donnie, for example, is trained as a protection service and EDD.

Corona: hit rate of 80 percent in dogs

“With a hit rate of about 80 per cent are researchers in elm on the way, the success of the project to continue,” explains the middle of the forest lying a service dog school. In a few weeks for reliable results to be available. In other countries such as the USA, Finland and the UK dogs are trained to detect infection with Sars-COV-2. In addition to the saliva samples, there are also Tests with urine and sweat, sometimes with encouraging results.

so Far, the Bundeswehr sniff-dogs saliva samples of infected people, in which the virus is chemically harmless have been made. After a successful completion of this test series, the next hurdle would be: I Sniff out even at active corona virus in human saliva? “This must take place under quite different conditions, finally, we need to be sure that no one can plug in to the highly infectious samples,” stresses TiHo-doctoral student Paula Jendrny.

so, There is still a long way to four-legged friend, the German armed forces entirely as the Corona-sniffing dogs used, could be capable of. Then will be according to the service dog school “”a discussion is needed, in which civil and military areas, these dogs for their service to perform”.

in order To determine infection with Sars-CoV-2 at an early stage, and clearly, it is common practice to analyze samples from the respiratory tract of a potentially Infected on a virus genome.

Other tasks, the bell will have a helper of the German armed forces, for decades, The armed forces, you as protection, explosives, narcotics, mines and explosive ordnance detection dogs a. Also abroad, such as in Afghanistan and Mali.

According to captain Daniel Remus from the service dog school, the Bundeswehr has around 300 four-legged friend around the world. This can grab on command. And you have a much finer nose than her special dog, where they live day and night. Whether it is fine enough for a Coronavirus infection, it will turn out.

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