It was enough to cross the street to find a new job. François-Xavier Lauch, chief of cabinet of the president of the Republic at the Elysée palace, has been chosen by Gérald Darmanin to lead his cabinet place Beauvau. Waiting for the “recasage” of Stéphane Bouillon, who was the “dircab” of the outgoing minister Christophe Castaner, ” FX “, as it is called in the corridors of power, will wait in the antechamber as his deputy.

The young warden Lauch, 38 years old, was the patron of Alexander Benalla at the Elysée palace. After the revelation by The World of the video showing the collaborator in the process of taking violently to demonstrators may 1, 2018, it had come to lodge a complaint against his former chargé de mission for “use of false” in the case of diplomatic passports. He had also been interviewed by the senate investigating committee chaired by Philip Low who was trying to make light on this case.

A pure product of the meritocracy

François-Xavier Lauch was the director of the office of the prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes at the time of the attack in Nice, July 14, 2016. It has been heard in the investigation on the security device in question by the civil parties in the attack on the truck which caused the death of 86 people and injured 400 others. He was put under status of witness assisted in April 2019.

According to the entourage of the new minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin has chosen only his future chief of staff, who would not have been imposed by the Elysée as was Nicolas Revel, Jean Castex at Matignon. The new first cop of France has, it is said, selected a route meritocratic to the image of his own. The father of François-Xavier Lauch is a police officer with the retirement which ended his career as brigadier-in-chief and her mother was a agent in the hospital. Lauch grew up in the Limousin before joining Sciences Po Bordeaux, then the ENA within the promotion Republic.

also Read The below of the operation Castex at Matignon

At the Elysée palace, he oversaw the security teams of the president of the Republic. He was regularly criticized by the police officers on the ground who said he was his interventionism, deemed it inopportune, and its propensity to place themselves in the field of television cameras. It has always received unfailing support from the president of the Republic and his cabinet director Patrick Strzoda.

writing will advise you

Christophe Castaner is done with her ordeal ! Government Castex : Gérald Darmanin, a sarkozyste Inside Christophe Castaner, reforms and ” blunders “