Eric Dupond-Moretti is caught in the act of turning to coat. Just 24 hours after the appointment of the tenor of the bar to the position of keeper of the Seals, a video that is circulating widely on social networks shows the lawyer is giving vent to on a hypothetical entrance to the Hotel de Bourvallais. To summarize his remarks in April 2018 : very little to him.

In the issuance of Audrey Crespo-Mara, The Maintenance of Audrey, on LCI, the journalist asks the tenor : “If we offered you the post of minister of Justice, would you accept ? “And Éric Dupond-Moretti to answer without batting an eye :” No ! First of all, nobody made me the offer. And it would be a mess, but then ! […] Me, frankly, I will never accept such a thing […]. It is not my job. It should be in swallow, snake, to make the policy. “Obviously sure of his fact, “Aquitator” provides : “no one would have the silly idea, totally outlandish, incongruous, improbable, to offer me this. “Emmanuel Macron and Jean Castex hotel.

Appointment surprise

The appointment place Vendôme of this tenor, who had taken position very hard against the magistrates, is a surprise. It had hitherto always been classified to the left and was supported at least in private, Martine Aubry in the primary of 2011. This lawyer media, couple with the singer of popular canadian Isabelle Boulay, was to be a chronic early morning on Europe 1 at the start of the year.

writing will advise you

Éric Dupond-Moretti, presumed innocent