Marco Huck (35) prepares in Berlin on his Comeback in the Boxing ring. But now, his apartment building burned surprisingly. The Ex-world champion in the Cruiserweight division lives in Bückeburg, near Hannover. The “image”newspaper reported. dpa/Tobias Hase/dpabild Boxer Marco Huck is currently in the preparation for the Boxevent on 22. August in Braunlage.

Hucks brother Kenan told him the news. He explained to the leaf, there are six residential units, all of which need to be evacuated. The cause of the fire, he said: “A tenant has grilled in your apartment. The Grill on the Sofa with a wooden base, as a result, it must be the fire come.”

The tenant, myself, but can still alert the fire Department before all of the residents left the house. Kenan Huck says: “The apartment of the woman is totally burned out. By the deletion of the other apartments were also affected.” The damage is said to amount to half a Million euros. The exactly Brand-the sequence of events and safety issues need to be resolved.

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