for the First time, the CDU wants to introduce for the occupation of their party offices for a quota for women. At least 30 percent of the members of the management Board from the district level should be occupied by women, the rate should then be raised further and further up to 50 percent from the year 2025.

The Hamburg CDU-politician and Vice-Chairman Caroline mosquito-Kemp does not consider the fixed rate a lot. Or better said, she finds it “wrong,” the 28-Year-old says in an Interview with “image” and then specifically: “the cause of The problem is another, namely: The CDU has much to little women and is completely unattractive to women and young parents. We have to start with structural changes.“

applications in Hamburg, the CDU again and again

moved in Front of more than a year, the Hamburg CDU already had a 10-point Plan will be discussed, such as party, work can be made more attractive, it was gone, among other things, childcare.

“The applications will be postponed since last summer, but again and again. That is why it is all the more surprising that the leading players in the party to use members suddenly for child care and a General compatibility of family and career. These issues could have been a long done for,“ says mosquito-Kemp-critical.

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