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DWD is warning of gusts of wind

09.23 PM: The German weather service warns of wind gusts up to 55 miles per hour. The Band comes from the black forest to the ore mountains. Los it is already 11 o’clock.

severe weather alert, etc. Where Thunderstorms, hail and storm

Friday, may 10, is expected. July, 06.32 PM: Currently, the sky is blue, the sun is shining. But: Ex-tropical storms for Europe are also always more or less big Surprises in the Luggage. Because they behave differently than traditional low pressure systems.

Ex-tropical storm Edouard is coming from very warm climes, and bring us at the weekend, a severe drop in temperature. In the South, the severe weather risk on Friday. Risk of super cells: Ex-tropical storm Edouard is heading for Germany to PCP danger of super cells: Ex-tropical storm Edouard is heading for Germany to

Already expected from the afternoon, especially close to the Alps, according to strong Thunderstorms with the risk of hail, gusts of wind and heavy rain. Up in the night the storm band stretches up to the Danube.

to the North and West, we are not spared: some look similar, locally even gewittriger rain threaten.

The Wind is stronger! Local wind gusts are not ruled out, especially along the Baltic coast and in the mountains.

All the information about the current weather situation in Germany in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

surf tips:

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mja, cho/dpa