Olivier Véran is reminiscent of the French to order. The microphone of BFM TV/RMC Friday, 10 July, the minister of Health, who has been a “release behaviour” aimed at limiting the transmission of the Covid-19, called on the population to ” mindfulness in everyday life “, even if the circulation of the virus at this point is ” controlled “. “The French have a want to vacation, want to forget everything they have experienced during these months. […] There is one thing that they must not forget, these are the gestures barriers, ” he said. “They must not forget that the virus is circulating, it should not be omnipresent in their head, it is not necessary to live in fear permanently, we must live in vigilance “, argued the minister.

” I observed that there was a relaxation of certain behaviors in certain situations, in all environments “, he stressed, including the government, where some have not complied with the distancing physical during the transfer of power. “We need to be impeccable, even more when you wear the word public,” stressed the minister, noting, however, that everyone, including himself, could have ” moments of bewilderment, loose “. “Gentlemen, I will ask you a minimum of put your mask when you shout, think of your group, do not create a cluster at the national Assembly,” had it launched Wednesday, to of deputies The Republicans in the chamber.

No of reconfinement to consider

” At this stage, it is not necessary to consider [a reconfinement] since we are in the process of controlling the movement of the virus “, has assured Friday Olivier Véran, under a positivity rate of 1.1% over the 350,000 tests every week : “out of 100 French people who are testing, 99 do not have the Covid. “Even in Mayenne, where the appearance of several clusters has led to the establishment of a mass screening,” the virus at this point has not shown that it is able to circulate outside of these areas, ” he added.

Despite everything, ” don’t look for magical ways to do away with the virus, there are two ways to do away with the virus : our collective behavior by remaining vigilant and the development of a vaccine, and everyone there works “. He also reported working for the establishment “in the coming days” in airports “where possible” of onsite oral fluid tests for passengers arriving from risk countries. They are ” proposed “, “you can’t compel someone to have a test,” he said. These rapid tests for diagnosis of infection are still being validated by the health authorities.

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