The new FOCUS Podcast “The Curve” discuss Jan Fleischhauer and Jakob Augstein on an amazing political phenomenon of the Corona-crisis: While, paradoxically, forced in the traditionally libertarian left spectrum of the Mask is frown upon and look down right-wing politicians such as Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro the Mouth guard. What is the reason?

“Maybe, it depends on a certain conception of Masculinity, or a sense of invulnerability,” says FOCUS columnist Jan Fleischhauer. Straight men and even a certain tendency to fatalism was observed: “Some think that When the Virus hits, he hits, he hits. Against the blows of fate, you can’t protect yourself.“

Augstein: “In the United States, the mask is in character against Trump”

For Jakob Augstein, the Mouth is more and more a political Statement. “Who is in the USA, a mask, sets a sign against Trump,” says the publisher of the weekly newspaper “The Friday”. The question of the mask today is ideologically similar to polarizing as the issues of climate change, or Migration. Here the Journalist sees the camp of the mask supporters on both sides of the Atlantic in the upper hand. His careless use of the Corona-crisis will cost Trump in November, probably the re-election. And in Germany, too, was the realization that the Mask was an acceptable price for freedom.

“The Curve: living in the Corona of the world” appears every Wednesday on all major platforms (including Apple’s Podcasts, Spotify, and Deezer). In the Podcast FOCUS-columnist, Jan Fleischhauer, and Jakob Augstein discuss once a week about the Corona-pandemic changed our country. Listen to the new episode:

in addition, Fleischhauer and Augstein speak in the last episode of “The Curve” before the summer break, the danger of a second wave of Infection, and the question of whether Corona for a new generation of conflict between the Old and the young.

New Corona Podcast and political Satire with Jan Fleischhauer

The political Satire “ Fleischhauer – 9 minutes net ” is every Tuesday at 19.09 p.m. for ServusTV Germany.

“The Curve: living in the Corona-world” every Wednesday to appear on all major platforms (including Apple’s Podcasts, Spotify, and Deezer). In the Podcast FOCUS-columnist, Jan Fleischhauer, and Jakob Augstein discuss once a week about the Corona-pandemic changed our country. Listen to the new episode.

About the author Susanne Krauss

The reader will love or hate him, indifferent Jan Fleischhauer is the least. One need only look at the comments to his columns, to get an impression of how much of what he writes, people moved. For 30 years he was at the MIRROR, at the beginning of August 2019, he joined as a columnist to FOCUS.

Fleischhauer sees it as his task to give a view of the world voice, he says, that it is represented in the German media. So in case of doubt, against the stove places and ways of Thinking drive, in common. Fun his lyrics are all – perhaps it is this fact that provoked his opponents the most.

you can write to our author: By e-Mail to or on Twitter @janfleischhauer.

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you can read the weekly column by Jan Fleischhauer, even before it appears on the FOCUS-Online Homepage. Plus: video comments of the FOCUS-columnists on current topics.

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