Within a few hours up to 10,000 people gathered on Wednesday night in front of the Serbian Parliament in Belgrade. Their anger was directed against the inconsistent and contradictory Corona-policy of the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vučić. Between Militants and police, it came to severe violence, even hours later, the smell of tear gas in the streets of the city center. Dozens of people were injured in the riots – shocking violence-scenes from a country that is yet to come to an agreement, and very successfully by the Corona-crisis.

Serbia: loosening Power of the country will plunge into a Virus-Chaos

from the beginning Of March until the beginning of may was in the Balkan state to have a strict curfew. Violations were punished with harsh penalties. Although the measures were not very popular, but it meant that the country remained a Virus-disaster spared. In the middle of may infected in the 7-million-inhabitant state per day less than 20 people with the Virus.

at the end of may, then the u-turn: From one day to another, Vučić lifted the state of emergency. Seamlessly all of the previously existing restrictions were. Restaurants, shops, night clubs opened again, in the football stadiums of up to 20,000 people thronged. From the Corona-hardliners-the state of Serbia has been transformed into a Laissez-Faire country, according to the Swedish model.

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The consequences are serious: In the past two weeks, an average of 300 people a day with the Coronavirus plug in Serbia. The capital city of Belgrade was for the Virus Hotspot. The country has raging because of the premature loosening back in the Lockdown, and the Serbian population.

your accusation to the President: He took the virus measures for political reasons, much too early: At the 21. June took place in Serbia’s parliamentary elections. Vučić won the house and under the Protest of the Opposition. Now accused the politician, the Corona-Figures are doctored and intentionally to early loosening, in order to gain an electoral advantage.

The Corona-Chaos in Serbia is a para in game of what happens when politicians juggle in a crisis situation with Power instead of responsibility. The explosive nature of the mixture of Power and corona can be policy is also reflected in the United States. Despite the disastrous Corona-Pay President, Donald Trump appeared this week in Tulsa at an election event – and promptly shot the infection numbers in the city in Oklahoma in the height.

Power and Corona: in Germany, Too, a fire-dangerous mix

in Germany, Too, can be power politics, and Corona to a dangerous mix, according to the renowned political scientist Oskar Nierdermayer of the FU Berlin. If, as in Serbia, or the USA in this country in this year’s elections are not forthcoming, would the political climate in the Corona-crisis, clearly irritated.

“elections always mean that you can discredit trying to other parties in a certain frame. State elections or Federal election, would be this year already, I’m sure that the issue of Corona would be significantly more instrumentalised politically,” says Niedermayer in an interview with FOCUS Online.

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in this Country, suggest currently, “the hour of the Executive”, so Niedermayer more. The Approval ratings for the government of trade are still very large. A majority of people would take the corona crisis is still extremely serious, and therefore, the measures of the policy to a large extent supported. In such a Situation, the Opposition remained to put in options for self-accents “from a power-political point of view, it is pointless to stand against the government policy,” says Niedermayer.

Germany: If the normality of returns, policy between Power and crisis management balance

But in Germany, too, there is an increasing gap between the Corona is looming in the coming weeks-sense of reason to do the political calculus is the political scientist is convinced – namely, when the crisis for the citizens is becoming more and more the norm. “As soon as other conflict issues for the voters in the focus, is reflected, of course, on the policy,” says Niedermayer. Once again, issues such as the climate or the migration crisis on the Agenda, whether the automatically connected with polarization and, hence, with Zoff and political Power struggles. A view to Serbia or the USA, what are the consequences this can have.

but How can it create the German policy, the currently successful crisis mode more to maintain and not in the old on-the-Corona-pattern to fall back? “What is crucial is the information policy of the government will be parties in the coming weeks and months,” says Niedermayer.

Only if people would take the Virus more seriously, had the semblance of normality and a lax handling of the pandemic to avoid – both in society and in the political Berlin. Risk of super cells: 80 Liter continuous rain and dangerous Thunderstorms in the afternoon, PCP is a risk of super cells: 80 Liter continuous rain and dangerous Thunderstorms in the afternoon
