Update, 10.7.2020, 18.51 PM: after a brutal attack for brain-dead, said French bus driver is dead. “We have decided to let him go. The Doctors were for it and so are we,” said the daughter of Philippe Monguillot, Marie, the AFP news Agency on Friday. The wife of the 59-Year-olds, Véronique Monguillot, wrote in online networks: “My husband died at 17: 30 PM, RIP my dear.”

Two men had beaten up the bus driver on Sunday in the southwest of France Bayonne, according to the investigators so fierce and resigned, that he had to be declared in the hospital, brain dead – apparently from a completely banal reason: The driver, the passengers had asked how Corona required protective masks to put on.

The French justice has accused two young men convicted of manslaughter. Two further accused of aiding and failure to help. The case had international caused a great concern.

offenders previous Offences police known

police are known for a previous Offense. Two other men are accused of aid. The public Prosecutor stressed, nothing to explain, “the extreme violence” of the attackers. Therefore, the situation escalated in the evening on Sunday, as the bus driver, Philippe M. wanted the Ticket for a pick-up the control and three other men on the Bus calling, such as masks required to set up.

Then it came to insults and a scuffle, said the Prosecutor’s office. The bus driver had been thrown out of the vehicle and the two Suspects had him mauled with kicks and punches to the head and the torso. The four men then fled and had left behind the bus driver unconscious on the sidewalk. In the hospital, it was then determined to be brain death.

daughter: “We know that it is the end of the”

The family of the bus driver expressed shock over the senseless violence. His 18-year-old daughter, Marie, told the newspaper “Sud France”: “We know that it is coming to an end. Not my father’s breathing, but machines.“ The city of Bayonne has announced for Wednesday evening, a funeral March.

M. s wife, Véronique, and the three daughters (18, 21, 24) are totally desperate, like a “Parisien” reported. “I don’t want to face the facts, I feel like I’m in a nightmare. He can’t just leave, he was about to be 59 years old. We are my husband to a farewell kiss, we will say good-bye,“ said the woman. Véronique and Philippe already had plans for the year forthcoming retirement.

Another conflict with passengers hours before the fatal strife

just hours before the fatal incident on Sunday at 19.00, her husband was involved in an altercation, reports the “Bild”newspaper. Around 14.00 it came to a conflict with the two passengers, who wanted to not wear a protective mask in his Bus.

in Protest against the violence, many of the riders laid down again in Bayonne the work. In France, a mask is mandatory in all public transport because of the Corona pandemic. Up to m. s funeral his colleagues want to continue the strike.

the risk of super cells: 80 Liter continuous rain and dangerous Thunderstorms in the afternoon, PCP is a risk of super cells: 80 Liter continuous rain and dangerous Thunderstorms in the afternoon

cba/with Agency material