Ex-tropical storm Edouard brought the North already from the morning rain, showers and Thunderstorms. In the South the temperatures are, however, still up to 33 degrees. By the combination of the cold front from the North on the hot air in the South it comes from noon to violent storms.

peel off During the Thunderstorm in the East in the afternoon, the situation in the South of Germany. Then it can come here to extreme heavy rain , hail and heavy thunder squalls up to 100 km/h.

advance The further South the Storm, the stronger you will be. Against 17.00 and 18.00 p.m. the first Thunderstorm, have achieved the greater Munich area. Between Kempten and Salzburg, and even the risk of super-cells is then.

Berlin: Changeable, with a view to the sun on Sunday

In the capital on Friday and showers Saturday, again and again. Also a Thunderstorm can form. On Sunday to then have the sun back.

From the Emsland region to Western Pomerania: It

With up to 20 litres of rain per square meter, it is in the North almost the whole of Friday consistently wet. On Saturday and Sunday, it may be occasional showers, but they should be rather mild.

Passau: rain amounts of up to 110 litres per hour

From the Allgäu all the way to Passau and to the South of it comes to severe thunderstorms, starting at 18.00. The rain amounts can reach up to Saturday morning up to 110 litres per hour. The Rest of the weekend is rather quiet, but cool. Good news: From next week it will be warmer again.

southern Bavaria: continuous rain until Saturday evening

at about 16.00 a is the second storm focus and travels from the Alps in the direction of Munich. Between 17.00 and 18.00 PM, when the temperatures reach up to 33 degrees, come the first Thunderstorm in the Metropolitan area of Munich – then there is a crash both in the North and in the South of Munich. TWC On Friday afternoon threatening, especially to the South of Germany, severe weather.

> South of Munich, between Kempten and Salzburg </strong , are expected to be the strongest Thunderstorms. There is the danger of super-cells is even.After the thunderstorms, the continuous rain, the stop at the Alps until Saturday evening. It is up to 80 litres of rain fall in 24 hours, and the temperatures plunging by up to 15 degrees compared to the day before.

In the entire southern area, extreme heavy rain, large hail, and heavy thunder squalls up to 100 km/h . Also trees can be flooded to fall, streets and cellars flooded.

black forest, the Swabian to the Franconian Alb: at noon a squall line reached the South

The strongest Storm to search the South home. the 14 Uhr a squall line – from the black forest and the Swabian to the Franconian Alb. The lightning is moving slowly to the South and intensify steadily.

Thuringia, Saxony and southern Brandenburg: strong concerns

In Thuringia, Saxony and southern Brandenburg can rain for Flooding to develop in the Thunderstorm in the afternoon, severe weather potential . To can also hail and severe thunder squalls, up to a maximum of 100 km/k, it will come. Particularly heavy rainfall can temporarily provide for Floods.

weather expert Jan Schenk explains that the summer is explained next week starts the FOCUS Online weather expert Jan Schenk, where the summer starts next week, Only every 5000 to 7000 years! Comet “Neowise” now on not sky to see PCP Only every 5000 to 7000 years! To see the comet “Neowise” already now on non-sky
