Teddy Long says that he is someone who always keep your head high. A few days ago, the world of 26-Year-old from Bremen was lifted, however from the fishing. Long Public Policy studies at the American elite Harvard University in the Boston suburb of Cambridge.

The University wants to offer – as some of the others in the US also – in the fall semester due to the Corona-pandemic not only Online Lectures. Long is forced, therefore, possibly to leave the country. The US immigration Agency ICE has announced that foreign students attending only Online courses, should leave the country – otherwise, the expulsion threatening you.

Corona: Almost every tenth American-the Uni just wants online

to teach In the academic year 2018/2019 studied data of the Institute of International education (IIE) reports that nearly 1.1 million foreigners in the United States, including almost 9200 German. After an analysis of the education organization, Nafsa foreign students contribute around 41 billion dollars (36 billion euros) to the gross domestic product in the total amount of 20 trillion dollars. They help, therefore, to secure almost 460 000 jobs. After an Overview of the “Chronicle for Higher Education” plans almost every tenth University in the fall semester only Online Lectures are to be held.

prior to the pandemic, the US rules foresaw that foreigners were allowed to attend on a student visa, only a very limited Online courses – the vast majority of the Lectures had to be personally visited. In March of this regulation has been relaxed due to the Corona-crisis. Now you should be again tightened up, although the pandemic in the United States is far from over. Teddy Long/private/dpa

Trump, wants to educational institutions re-open

The acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland security, Ken Cuccinelli told CNN that if students do not take personally at Lectures part, there is no reason for you to be in the country. In addition, universities would be encouraged to re-open. Critics see a different reason: Trumps intention of the USA to force in spite of increasing Corona-back to normal numbers. Trump penetrates an Opening of all schools and universities in the fall – said with a view on Harvard’s plans: “I think that you make it easy, and I think you should be ashamed of themselves.”

Harvard President Lawrence Bacow, before throwing the Trump-government pressure on universities to exercise, so they opened their Classrooms without regard to health concerns again. The scheme had come without warning and will “exceeded in cruelty only by their recklessness”. Together with the Elite University in Boston, Harvard, legally, is against it. Until a court decision, the foreign students hang in the balance.

The German Harvard Student Maximilian Klein (27) from Neunkirchen (Saar) considers that the measure is further evidence of Trumps “xenophobic immigration policies”, with the pressure on universities to be established, in spite of the pandemic lessons in the lecture hall to hold. In fact, Trump has the Visa and immigration regulations in his tenure, getting stricter all the time. Critics accuse him to need the Corona-crisis as a pretext for failure to turn more on the screw. Maximilian Small/private/dpa

students often ask the Federal government to support

Small has initiated one of almost 100 current, former and future German students signed an open letter in which the Federal government’s assistance is requested – even if he doubts himself in whether something can be achieved. He was sceptical as to whether Trump is “for rational arguments in support of the Federal government” are available. Nevertheless, support from Berlin would be an important sign not only for transatlantic relations but also for the freedom of research and teaching, says the Student.

In the Letter, reference is made to the consequences for foreign students, with partners or with family in the United States. This is the case, for example, a German student at Harvard, wants to know your name not be published and referred to their studies at the Elite University as a “lifelong dream”.

she was pulled with her fiance in the USA, have adopted due to a new Job, says the woman – a Job that he could not give up in the precarious labour market situation during the pandemic. If you have to go to Germany to leave the country, don’t know when she would see her Partner. “You can follow all the rules, and then you still have to go,” she says.

“The basis of life deprived”

The threat of expulsion, the US entry ban for foreigners from the Schengen area add to that – no one knows how long they will apply. Anyone who has ever left the USA, comes back so easily, not again. The foreign students in Harvard in front of a Dilemma: Should they persevere in the hope that the University gets in front of court of law, and remain in the United States? Harvard should concede a defeat, you would have to leave the country may head over. But right now, not risking to go back before the beginning of the semester at the beginning of September.

Teddy Long remained, therefore, in the US, even if he regrets that he is not to 60. His mother’s birthday in August to Bremen can travel. “My centre of life is here,” says the Student. “I have invested a great deal of work and money to be here.” According to the communication from the immigration authority, he thought: “This can be now not true that the people are deprived of the basis of life.” For years, he and his fellow students had works on the inside and fellow students a place to study in Harvard hung.

His lease in the US over a year, says the 26-Year-old, previously drawn one at a time through the world. In Boston, he had finally found a home. “I was in Germany, nothing more” – no social environment, no health insurance, no apartment. He should have to go back, he might sleep for “a couple of nights at mom’s on the Couch,” says Long. “I would come back with two bags and a Laptop. And then I had to align my life in a completely new.” Bad letter because of Nord Stream 2: Left man Seriously puts up with US senators to FOCUS Online/Wochit Bad letter because of Nord Stream 2: Left man Seriously puts up with US senators of Chancellor-favorite: Figures show the enormous rise of Markus Söder FOCUS Online/Wochit Chancellor-favorite: Figures show the enormous rise of Markus Söder
