In the 5000-strong community of Oppenau is currently a state of emergency. People living in the Region, are not called to leave their homes, a flight ban. The reason is the large – scale manhunt for Yves intoxication-a man on a Sunday morning, four police officers threatened and then disarmed is. The 31-Year-old has since been on the run. With special forces, helicopters with thermal imaging cameras and search dogs, the police tried to apprehend the suspects.

Especially piquant in the case: Apparently, it managed a single man, four Uniformed their service to steal the weapons. FOCUS Online spoke with the police scientists to Rafael Behr about the incident. The 62-Year-old is a Professor at the Academy of the police of Hamburg and teaches criminology and sociology. Behr sees in the behavior of the open Burger officials neither a failure nor a weakness, but a rational decision.

police researchers: “You don’t send patrol officers, if a weapon in the game is”

“force of arms, then, is used when one’s own life or that of a colleague is at stake,” explains the police scientists. He assumes that the police officers in Oppenau is not expected to be of noise threatened. “I can imagine that the Situation developed differently than expected,” says Behr. Because The Offenburg police officers were originally, because of a “suspicious Person” was in a hut in Oppenau.

“I suppose not, did you know that the man is armed. You don’t send patrol officers, if it is clear that a gun in the game is,” explained the police scientists. Rather, a special operations command would be used, he continues. Also, the police wrote in their report to the incident noise have pulled “all of a sudden, and for the officials totally out of the blue” a shot gun. Police spokesman Wolfgang Kramer said the “image”newspaper: “the Situation is completely caught off guard, they had no Chance to react to the dangerous Situation.” Previously, the 31 had shown-Year-old apparently cooperative.

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Behr: “to risk The death of a colleague, would be to not answer have been”

Behr suspected that the police would not have stood by the “peaceful beginning of a Call” with guns drawn before the Suspect. As the Situation escalated, “you have probably acted in accordance with the principle of proportionality of the police use of firearms attacks,” says the researcher. In principle, the use of a firearm in most States is regulated by the police law. Requirements for the “means of coercion” are Suitability, necessity and proportionality. Also, as a tool for self-defense, a firearm may be used in the police service. Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa

it is Important with the principle of proportionality is that the damage exceeds the intended success. Behr assumes that the Offenburg police officers have laid down their arms, “so that the suspect is alive”. “The sounds in the first Moment, embarrassing, is, in my eyes, with a view to the present state of knowledge, but very rational. To risk the death of a colleague, would be to not answer have been,” he continues.

Volatile “seems to be unpredictable to be”

Rausch, who fled, then, is classified by the police as dangerous. The “image”-newspaper quotes a former neighbor of the 31-Year-old with the words: “He always had odd jobs – as a Turf care at Golf, time at the track. Until a year ago, he lived in an apartment above the Inn ,the key‘. He has not been cleared after three years of forced, because he paid his rent.” In addition, the suspect should be noticed, in the past, due to violations of weapons laws.

Behr warns: “The man seems to be unpredictable, he seems to have a Waffentick and runs in the Camouflage Outfit through the forest. The large number of police is entitled against this Background, absolutely.” Even if noise has not yet been taken – the police scientists, the institutional Superiority of the officials should show up soon. “After about 40 hours, the Suspect is likely to exhausted, hungry, and thirsty. If he has no network to support him, he should sooner or later have no Chance against the officials,” said Behr.

What to expect noise in the case of a capture, it can currently only speculate. The police researchers, however, assumes that “the charges will be high”. Because: “If a policeman is attacked, then the state is not a joking matter,” explains Behr.

This is the suspect the police headquarters in Offenburg, The police are looking for this volatile man. He is armed. the

  • Name: Yves Etienne rush
  • nationality: German
  • age: 31 years old
  • size: 1.70 Meter
  • eye color Blue
  • hair: partial balding
  • build: Slender
  • clothing-characteristics: Camouflage pattern

Under the emergency number 110, the police take notes.

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