Arthur Hambsch not understand the world anymore. Actually, the 39 says-Year-old, should have informed the justice for the violent death of his 16-year-old daughter, Alina long, and the person responsible convicted. Normally, the offender would have to serve long his sentence, he finds.

However, to date, more than 20 months after the terrible fact on a country road in Brandenburg, there is not even a date for the process.

father sad: justice dealt with a case, like shoplifting

“I think it is outrageous and I am stunned that the culprit is running around still free and our justice system simply stands by and watches,” says Arthur Hambsch in an interview with FOCUS Online. “The people in charge in the court to push the case, apparently, in front of it and treat the crime as a small, unimportant theft. But this is a bad case of homicide, in my opinion, even murder!“

private Against that tree, the car in which two young people died in the crashed.

The terrible crime occurred on the evening of the 26. October 2018 in Schönefeld, a municipality in the Southeast of Berlin, known for its airport. Alina and her 20-year-old friend Billi sat innocently in a stationary car. Suddenly, a drunk dude who had no driver’s license los climbed into the driver’s seat and sped off. The horror travel up to 124 km/h ended after a few hundred meters to a tree.

opinion: the victim pulled the hand-brake out of fear for your life

An accident report, according to the their lives fearing Alina and Billi had tried to stop the car by one of the two pulled the hand brake, but to no avail. They died at the scene.

The then 18-year-old Martin K. (Name changed by the editors) who survived sat in the opinion of the investigator, at the wheel of the Audi A4 and the Crash caused. He fled on foot from the scene of the crime, and had helpers to provide. To explained to his injuries the Drunk (1,13 ppm), and Unknown had beaten him together. That was a lie. He also refused to allow the voluntary submission of a DNA sample.

15 months up to the indictment, five months in court

Immediately after the fact, the Prosecutor’s office of Cottbus opened against Martin K. an investigation. However, it took more than 15 months, to the 3. February 2020 at last the charges against him, the casual killing has been charged because of driving.

Since then, five more months have passed, but the competent juvenile criminal court at the district court of Königs Wusterhausen seems to be in the thing is hardly moving forward. “The court has not yet decided on the approval of the indictment,” said a spokesman on request by FOCUS Online. Thus, a date for a possible main hearing is not in sight. Currently involved in the case judge was “on vacation”, said the spokesperson.

speaker: “Just one of the many pending cases,”

According to the assessment by legal observers, the process of the accident, the drama of Schönefeld will take place at the earliest in late autumn, so a good two years after the homicide, if at all. Also, a termination in the coming year seems to be ruled out.

The speaker of the district court, according to the temporal sequences are “not uncommon”, especially since the court have worked because of the Corona pandemic several weeks “only in the restricted operation”. He also made it clear that the case “was only one of many cases pending”. Because the alleged perpetrator will not sit in detention, and that it was necessary from the point of view of the court, “no special hurry”.

Especially in youth matters is requirement for speed

Since it is not a custody case, the court is in fact, not statutory deadlines tied to met. However, cases, the requirement for speed is just juvenile. In 2009, the attorney General of the state of Brandenburg had has a corresponding Directive. It States:

“met In the processing of juvenile cases, note especially the requirement for speed to. Educational measures are only useful if you follow fact on the feet. A too late reaction can even have a negative educational impact.“

However, especially in youth matters, there is another reason that encourages prosecutors to avoid delays in the Proceedings: the interests of the victims.

The graves of the two victims killed Billi and Alina.

families of the two victims want the offender is sentenced

The victims of crime – in this case, the families of the two people killed – naturally large interest in ensuring that the perpetrators are identified and convicted. Even more than in the General criminal law applicable to adults, wish the members a quick and appropriate response of the law on offences against their children.

Whether it is in the case of the violent death of Alina and Billi seeds to a rule of law contrary to the delay in the Proceedings, may have to decide later on the higher courts. The fact is: The longer a process drags on, the harder it is for the court to find out the truth, and at the end of a fair judgment.

the later the process, the more difficult the work-up

a process Starts many months, even years after the Crime, can only still dark, or not at all to the actual Events to remember. Their representations are imprecise, blurred, and thus vulnerable to attack. In case of doubt, the defendant benefits from it.

In the case of negligent homicide, the criminal code stipulates up to five years in prison or a fine. For the families of the victims, it is very difficult to imagine that the judiciary will take the punishment even close. Rather, it has solidified the impression that the authorities pursue the criminal case with the required consistency.

Alina’s father bitterly: “trust in the rule of law lost”

“I have lost confidence in our rule of law now,” said Alina’s father Arthur Hambsch to FOCUS Online. “What is that for a justice system that makes the families of the death victims for more than a year and a half down, and the perpetrators are spared? The young man who killed my daughter and her friend may enjoy life without limitations – and we parents need to take care of the graves of our children.“

The 39-Year-old finds for this circumstance is only one possible evaluation: “This is a disgrace!”

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