for Years, C. Pomfrey pretended to be blind and must use a wheelchair because she suffers from Multiple sclerosis. So difficult to discover, from the British state social benefits in millions: Up to 14,000 Euro in the month, the 65-Year-old of 2002, and cashed in. Ended only at the beginning of this year, the wrong game. Since they had relieved the public purse with their lies, by a total of more than a Million British pounds (more than 1.1 million euros).

Three years and eight months, you have to sit now to the sentence in prison. She was “incredibly dishonest”, noted the judge, according to the BBC. Apparently, Pomfrey, it was eventually too much. She was at least relieved that it was blown, said the grandmother before the court. “I’ve had enough.”

wrestles her husband, however, still to be amended – if it is true, what he told the Daily Mail: He knew all the years of the fraud. As for him, after 15 years of marriage, a police officer showed the driver’s license of his wife, he asked the officials clueless: “so what? Not everyone has one?“ “No – not if you are blind,” to him replied the policeman.

Then a world collapsed for him. A beautiful, pleasant world. Because Pomfrey, the money was just as quickly as she had swindled more difficult: For clothes, cosmetic treatments, or for luxury vacations with her husband in the Caribbean or in Mexico.

authorities drew after 15 years of suspicion and paid three years

It seemed as if this dream should last forever. Until 2017, the authorities became suspicious, and let Pomfrey monitor. She was filmed as she drove the car, read the paper, or your grandchildren from school and picked up. All the things you could not do officially. Nevertheless, they received up to January 2020 assistance from the state, which you are not entitled to.

a Particularly brazen: After having in the meantime been arrested and only on bail of the left, she presented again with a request for assistance. And, of course, of the untrue statements contained.

you claimed to have a Kiosk-chain

Pomfrey was the “craftiest woman of all time”, so the conclusion of her unsuspecting husband. To him, you had claimed that you own a Kiosk chain. In fact, she had once worked as an employee of a newspaper shop. There, she was fired because she had stolen from the cash register. Display you can now Find your suitable legal protection insurance at an affordable price!

Already her second husband had been playing – and whose family name used: Under the family name of her former husband Brown, you claimed benefits from the municipality of their home town. The same thing you did with the name Pomfrey: her third husband she had married in 2005, after the two had met in the holidays.

“I can’t believe, believe what an Idiot I was,”

“people, I should have known, what you drive and where all the money flowed. But the answer to both is: I have no idea,“ said the man. “You destroyed my life and I can’t forgive her.”

Indeed, Mr Pomfrey lost in the course of the investigation against his wife, his Job and is now sitting on a huge mountain of debt. Because his wife had taken in his name of loans and the common house pledged. “I can’t believe what an Idiot I was,” he explains to the Daily Mail.

neighbors suspected the fraud, and not miracles now

However, he is far from the only one who now feels deceived. Also names and data of friends and Relatives had used Pomfrey, to get money.

neighbors told on the other hand, it had been an open secret that Pomfrey, the authorities lied to. They could not explain, that it took so long before everything blew up. “We knew they cheated the System. But none of us knew how much it was.“ While Pomfrey was always with great cars around, and there had been a lack of your never money. Check list for tax return Our PDF guide shows you how you can get your tax return quickly and save.To the PDF guide

“Once I saw a wheelchair in front of the house and said: What is the good?” a neighbor told the Daily Mail. “I need”, have Pomfrey replied. They have used the wheelchair never. A lot of people would have been annoyed, as the house of Pomfrey’s have known was magnified because of her alleged disability: “The kitchen was expanded and in the basement is a bedroom and a Laundry room built for your needs.”

Pomfrey’s have known daughter due to money laundering, convicted

Still, it is unclear what the authorities had finally suspicious. Madam Pomfrey gets all of the blame on himself: “Nobody else has to do with it. My husband knew nothing about it. I had all the money.“ So the accusations were left to the Lord Pomfrey, who was now also in custody, case.

One Person, however, the impostor seems to have inaugurated: your daughter from his second marriage had, in the course of six years, a total of 90,000 pounds of to get. The now 34-Year-old kept most of them, and was convicted of money laundering to 18 months in prison. However, only on probation, because they, too, had gone to her mother on the glue as it is formulated by the judge.

There is no money left

that Pomfrey to the state of beating, seems to be by the way for always lost: A study according to you has no assets. She is so if she comes out of jail free, not a Penny to your fellow citizens have to pay back, but actually on social assistance need.

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