In a manger send carers of each child with a runny nose home, in another first, when it comes green from the nose. In a school, in turn, a girl had to pack his things, because it is against the rough neck, a cough drop sucked with a cough you could not stay here. It is part of the absurd stories told by parents and pediatricians. Educators and teachers are anxious, moms and dads are often desperate. Just you know care for your children, but you are home again.

“All of the daycare children have to send with a cold home, is absurd,” says Jacob mask. The physician is a pediatrician in Schöneberg and Berlin-based spokesman for the professional Association of child and youth doctors (BVKJ). “Cold as such, I’m not a typical Corona-Symptom.” Especially in the first kindergarten year, that is a quite normal state for all children. The older the children are, the less you have to fight with running noses. “Children in such a case to send home, and to say they are ill or had even a suspicion on Corona, is medically simply unsustainable”, writes the Berlin-based pediatrician.

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Corona-Tests “medically futile” in the course of the nose

Similar to the looks to be a colleague of the BVKJ from Bavaria Dominik Ewald. The pediatrician also reported of children, which may be due to allergies, running nose. The nursery won’t let you in with a sniff of the nose. Parents could hardly go to work anymore. “This is the frustration of mothers and fathers, you can feel, of course, in the practices,” says Ewald, the care in Regensburg and Marktredwitz patients.

Ten to 20 parents per day have of Jakob mask like a doctor’s certificate that your child is allowed back in the daycare. About half of them want a Corona Test. All of the mask rejected – “medically futile”, when a simple running nose or the child a little cough.

pediatricians not healthy write out

Many child-care lines are currently unsettled, as the official hygiene plans are implemented. Because there is that you are not allowed to care for children with cold symptoms. You want to make everything right, reported by Dominik Ewald. The children’s doctor of intensive exchange with kindergartens and nurseries. Some facilities are currently not, apparently, overly cautious, ask for a medical certificate that the child is actually healthy. However, The majority of pediatricians do not even.

“For healthy write-offs there is and there never was a legal,” says mask. This should only be requested if the child was ill with a disease of the infection protection act, for example, measles or scabies. “So, it is medically futile to write for children after a cold healthy,” says the pediatrician. It is important to take the educators through the education of the uncertainty. Children do not have the super be the spreader for the Coronavirus. FOCUS Online provides you with the most exciting Reports from the parents. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

How can parents find a Balance between Drama and Trivialize?

Just as his Bavarian colleague, the appeals to the common sense sees it: “I mean, anyone can see whether a child is sick or not.” If a child is 24 hours fever-free, then it could actually go back into the community facilities. “Since the nose can of course run a little bit, and it can also have a bit of a cough,” explains Ewald. “Yes, this is completely normal. If the bronchial tubes have been irritated, don’t you leave this inflammatory condition immediately.“ Then the Affected cough perhaps for two or three days. “But to send you for the next cough again returns, this is absurd.”

of Course, a child belongs in a care facility, if he’s in a bad, limp, or has diarrhea, underlines the Berlin colleague alike. It is a sufficient period of time should be between 24 and 48 hours, until a child goes to the recovery in the day-care centre. “A child with a bit of a runny nose or a cough may in the nursery, without that it means a danger to others,” adds mask. More on the topic of educating childhood researchers demands: to stop, to educate your children. Brain scientist explains: This is the secret of a happy Childhood brain researcher: warns parents of stealing children, the most important experience in Childhood childhood researchers: Our System makes the children of broken

when Corona Tests snuff noses make sense?

Jacob mask Jakob mask is a children’s doctor in Schöneberg and Berlin-based spokesman for the professional Association of child and youth doctors (BVKJ). Jacob’s mask has a clear stance: “Corona-Tests snuff nose not make, we actually, because it is medical nonsense.” In a sense, is a PCR-Corona-the Test is actually medically never advisable. For the treatment or health of the child, nothing would change this, of course, the child would be isolated.

But it is not a question of infections caused by testing at an early stage to track down? Yes, but that was a one-time Test in a child is difficult, says children’s doctor’s mask.

If someone is about dry cough and fever and in addition smell, or taste disturbance is reported, the Bavarian doctor for a Test as useful. In such a case, the parents would have to call in advance, so that they could isolate. In your practices, you have the children, for example, of peppermint or lemon oil to smell. “If the children say something tastes or smells funny, then the highest alert is, of course, that it could be Corona.”

the fear of The next Winter is great

Big question mark child-care lines have, with regard to the Situation in the coming autumn and Winter. Just as the parents who have now used up often on your vacation, as well as “child sick days”. All know from experience that Many children have the cold months, a brat. Eight to ten infections during a season for a kindergarten child to normal. That is, the situation could worsen. Day care centers could close if no-one is allowed to come. “Because the next Winter come the children, who were all in the insulation and your immune system can not have to train”, is Ewald to bear in mind. This Training had to be rescheduled. There’s a lot to come to the children’s doctors.

Therefore, the physician asks: “We need rapid tests in the practices, so that we can quickly differentiate: Is the Corona, it is the RS-Virus, the severe lung problems caused or Influenza?” And would have to be paid for by the statutory health insurance funds. The current PCR Tests were an immense expense, was for many children doctors are hard to come by. About Ewald to the Robert-Koch Institute, which lays the Foundation for the national test strategy is to talk, particularly bad. The scientists there had the practice, no idea.

If the handling of cough, cold, sore throat does not change until the fall, and overwhelmed by the practices, finally, is also the Berlin pediatrician for sure: “We will then have no more time to take care of the acute and chronically ill children.”

Nevertheless, both the mask as well as Ewald are confident that soon something will change Because just not realized all that so on.

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