it Should introduce a government coalition of the Union and the Green party at the Federal level, the Greens already clear, what would be your highest priority: as of now a speed limit of not more than 130 km/h on all German motorways. The Green-chief Robert Habeck said, now in conversation with “Pioneer One” of the journalist Gabor Steingart. “This is probably the first measure of a new government, if the Greens are. There is no right to turf in Germany,” says Habeck. Many of the Green but not far enough, you want to hoping to slow down the pace to a maximum of 120 km/h.

speed limit “would be the first measure of the new government,”

The FDP took advantage of the steep template, meanwhile, immediately: “In 2019, died in Germany 3 046 people in road accidents. The number of traffic fatalities fell to the lowest level in 60 years”, the FDP deputies Torsten autumn. “Especially the Figures in a European comparison, show that a rigid speed limit of 130 km/h on motorways, no significant contribution to road would provide security. Still, most of the accidents with personal injury occur within towns. And to complain, also most of the fatalities were as in the previous year on country roads. In the face of the much lower average speed, and the already numerous existing speed limits on German motorways, such over-regulation and paternalism would be disproportionate,” says autumn more.

ADAC keeps the discussion out of the

, Germany’s largest automobile club, had recently abandoned for the first time be a clear ‘ no ‘ against a speed limit and want to set the theme, neither a Yes nor a no, in contrast to Habecks in an Interview with “Media Pioneer” statement, the ADAC is clearly in favour of. Other car clubs are positioning themselves significantly. The bike – and Eco-club VCD is for a speed limit of 120 km/h, the auto club Europe (ACE) is a limitation. Against rigid Limits Germany’s youngest automobile club “Mobil in Deutschland”, as well as the automobile club of Germany (AvD).
