And to say that it could never happen in a library. The book of the niece of the american president on the clan Trump, whose brother Donald Trump has tried, in vain, to prevent the release, and has sold more than 950,000 copies in the United States on the first day of its release, Tuesday, July 14.

Too much and never enough (Too Much and Never Enough), of which the French version will be released in October, presents Donald Trump as a pathological liar and a narcissistic subject. The author, Mary Trump, who is a psychologist, accuses the u.s. president of having contributed to undermine his father, Fred Trump Jr., one of the brothers of Donald Trump. Older brother of Donald, Fred Trump Jr. died in 1981, at the age of 42, of a heart attack that his family was linked to alcoholism, which he suffered for more than ten years. Fred Jr. would have had a hard lived the family pressure that pushed him to work alongside his father in real estate development, when he aspired to become a pilot.

Read also Gérard Araud – The fall of the house of Trump

The book is in the top of sales on Amazon

Yet another book on Donald Trump since his election to the presidency of the United States, the book is the first written by a member of the clan with a freedom of tone new. The 950 000 copies sold in one day, including the pre-orders, as well as audio versions and digital, are a record for the publishing house Simon & Schuster, said the publisher in a press release issued Wednesday.

The White House has described the book as ” misleading “, fed” allegations ” are without foundation. Another brother of Donald Trump, Robert, had seized the justice to prevent the release of the book, in vain. Simon & Schuster has ordered new prints, which will have the number of copies printed to 1.15 million, only for the american market. The book is also a head of sales in the Amazon site in Canada and Australia.

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