A brain-healthy diet is the Alzheimer’s expert of the California Linda Loma University, particularly on the heart. “As Doctors and researchers that deal with the life style of their patients, we can not emphasize the importance of nutrition for the health of the brain is not enough,” write Dean and Ayesha Sherzai in the Preface of your book “The Alzheimer’s solution”. “The Alzheimer’s solution” here on Amazon (display)

brain healthy food is mostly vegan

At the end of the extensive information on the Alzheimer’s disease and their possible prevention, the author based some of the readers 33 vegan recipes of Mediterranean-Mexican-Californian Crossover-cuisine at the Hand, the brain-healthy foods.

And the 20 most important food list. But also the 9, the detection risk associated with increased Alzheimer’s.

20 foods that are good for the brain

1. Avocados : they are Packed with monounsaturated fats, and are good for the development of the brain and the blood flow.

2. Leafy vegetables : Rich source of polyphenols (herbal antioxidants that fight free radicals), folic acid, Lutein, Vitamin E, and beta carotene, all nutrients that are associated with the brain health. Exciting, but just no time?

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3. Blue berries : In a Harvard longitudinal study of 16,000 nurses was blueberries, the consumption of berries, in particular, and strawberries, with a lower risk of cognitive decline associated. The study has drawn finally to the conclusion that regular consumption of berries delayed cognitive decline by two and a half years.

4. Beans : they are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, plant protein, iron and other minerals. You proven to increase the longevity and reduce the risk of a stroke (one of the four most common neuro-degenerative diseases that have several risk factors with dementia together). Beans can lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels even hours after the consumption regulate. (In the U.S. there is, therefore, the term “Second Meal Effect”, which means that some foods affect blood sugar and Insulin also during the follow-up meal cheap.)

5. Broccoli : rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, carotenoids with antioxidant effect. This can overcome the blood-brain barrier and damage caused by free radicals and normal aging processes to undo. A large study by the Harvard Medical School with over 13,000 women showed that, people who eat regularly vegetables the family of cruciferous vegetables – such as broccoli, less age-related suffers memory loss.

6. Spices : the spices included in the comparison with the most antioxidants per gram, and are thus ideally suited to support the natural detoxification systems of the brain. Spices and herbs such as cinnamon, cloves, marjoram, allspice, saffron, nutmeg, tarragon, and others should be an integral part of our diet, not just an occasional add-on.

7. Coffee : The caffeine in coffee is an adenosine-Receptor Antagonist which stimulates the production of acetylcholine, a known neuroprotective substance in the brain. He also contains many antioxidants in the Form of polyphenols and chlorogenic acid.

8. Herbs : Fresh or dried herbs such as coriander, Dill, rosemary, thyme, Oregano, Basil, mint and parsley contain nuts in comparison, and berries, ten times the number of antioxidants. Even a small amount to the antioxidants account.

9. Turmeric : Curcumin, the main component of the Ukon, is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiamyloidales power package. Studies In animals and humans has shown that Curcumin in the reduction of Beta-Amyloid is directly involved.

10. Linseed : contains the highest amount of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids, proven to reduce related inflammation, and LDL-cholesterol levels decrease. Flax also contains lignans, chemical Compounds that protect the blood vessels from inflammatory damage. All the important messages to the Coronavirus in the FOCUS Online Newsletter. Subscribe now.

11. Extra virgin olive oil : In small quantities as a replacement for saturated fats, and also an excellent source of monounsaturated fatty acids and polyphenols.

12. Nuts : nuts is the best source of healthy unsaturated fats at all. You can noticeably reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s.

13. Omega-3 fatty acids (from algae): a highly effective, plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

14. Mushrooms : Whether fresh, dried or powdered mushrooms can boost immunity, and reduce inflammation in the blood vessels of the brain. Brown mushrooms are an excellent vegetable source of Vitamin B12-source, the risk is associated with a reduced Alzheimer’s-in connection.

15. Quinoa : One of the most nutrient dense foods and the only grain that is a complete source of protein (most grains lack the amino acids leucine and isoleucine). Also, it contains plenty of fiber, Vitamin E and minerals like zinc, phosphorus and selenium, all of which are important building blocks for brain cells and their supporting structures.

16. Seeds (Chia, sunflower): it is rich in Vitamin E and brain-healthy minerals.

17. Sweet potatoes : Packed with phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins A and C and minerals, this tuber is actually the blood sugar-regulating. Also an anti-inflammatory effect has been documented in numerous studies.

18. Tea : mint, lemon balm and hibiscus tea, the three anti-inflammatory drinks at all. Iced herbal tea (with Stevia or erythritol for sweetening) in the summer is a great replacement for lemonade. Green tea contains green tea catechin, another Polyphenol that activates detoxifying enzymes.

19. Whole-grain cereals : Packed with cholesterol-lowering fiber, complex carbohydrates, protein and B-vitamins. The starch from the whole grain of oats, buckwheat, millet, Teff, Sorghum, or Amaranth, the best complex carbohydrate is: it not only nourishes the good bacteria in the intestine, but also for the brain in a sustainable way with energy.

20. Dark chocolate : Dark, unprocessed cacao beans contain incredible amount of flavanols. This is proven arterial relaxing (lowering blood pressure) and help to supply the brain with oxygen and nutrients. In fact, people who eat dark chocolate have a lower risk of stroke. All You Need is The Online-supermarket (display) you can do the food easily order online

9 foods that you should avoid best

1. Highly processed foods : Chips, biscuits, ready meals and white bread are all rich in salt, sugar and saturated fat that clog the arteries of the brain and the brain tissue is directly damage.

2. Processed meat : bacon, Mortadella, liver sausage, blood sausage, sausages, Salami, Chorizo and other are rich in preservatives, salt and saturated fatty acids, which promote inflammation and the blood vessels in the brain damage.

3. Red meat : beef and Wild a lot of inflammation include promotional, saturated fatty acids. Even if they are less inflammatory than meats, you need to work on the vascular and cellular level is still enough damage.

4. Butter and Margarine : Both spreadable fats have fats have a high proportion of saturated fatty acids and TRANS that can clog the arteries, and the brain shrink.

5. Fried and Fast Food : A high proportion of TRANS-fats, which reduce the brain volume and cognitive decline contribute, are to be found in these typical Western foods.

6. Cheese : cheese is rich in saturated fatty acids. It damages the blood vessels in the brain.

7. Pastries and sweets : Sweet dough goods, and other sweets have a high sugar content; this causes inflammation and a Burn-out in the brain.

8. Sugary drinks : The main source of sugar in the American-Western standard diet is causing inflammation and neuronal damage.

9. Excessive consumption of alcohol : alcohol neuro is toxic and damages the brain cells directly. In the PCP In the
