The authorities in the remote Western Chinese Region of Xinjiang have declared a “war situation”, a local Corona outbreak. There have been 17 confirmed cases, 23 infections without symptoms, and 269 people were on Sunday morning still under observation. In Xinjiang, the capital of Urumtschi was imposed on Thursday a Lockdown. Flights, metro and railway traffic has been stopped.

The Corona-Alarm in the Chinese capital of Beijing, meanwhile, is downgraded. Prior to 14 days had passed without any new Infections, reported the state news Agency Xinhua. The authorities had announced that the new outbreak in Beijing had been contained by the middle of June successfully. The Change of the warning level should come into force on Monday. The Corona outbreak in June was assumed to be a large market of the capital.

in China, where the first cases had occurred by the end of 2019 in the city of Wuhan, has brought the pandemic, due to strict Lockdown measures according to official data, under control. On Saturday in the 1.4-billion population of the country were reported only 252 of new Infections. Overall, there have been 85 857 confirmed COVID-19-cases. For comparison: In Germany (83 million inhabitants) there were more than 200 000 in the USA (330 million inhabitants), more than 3.7 million. Ng Han Guan/AP/dpa

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