The bee is actually considered as a very peace-loving insect. They sting only when they feel threatened. Because after a stitch, the animals die.

Healthy people can withstand the sting of a bee, nothing. You will feel a sharp pain that turns soon into a itching. Often the affected is red and thick. This is unpleasant, but no cause for concern. To alleviate the itching help common home remedies (in the article below).

it becomes a problem only if you react to bee venom allergic to it. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid guide

accidents and injuries happen quickly. In our PDF guide we will show you how to react correctly to prevent the worst.

To the PDF guide Bee sting: you should do

In most cases, the sting remains in the injection plug in place. This is due to the fact that he has so-called barbs. Therefore, it should be removed as the First of the sting. Before you do this, be careful and it is best to use a pair of tweezers. The sting has a poison bubble at the end. They are too coarse, it may happen that it bursts and additional bee venom into your body.

With a pair of tweezers you can grab the sting gently and pull it out. You should then cool the body by placing an ice cubes or a compress to the affected area. This ensures that your blood vessels and the pain is numbed body. The poison cannot spread as quickly, and a swelling is prevented.

Bee sting: These home remedies help

There are various home remedies that can help with a Bee sting:

  • A very good idea is to have a cool compress with Quark to restore. So you can swipe Quark or cream cheese on the wound and everything with a thin gauze cloth, wrap. The Quark is not only cooling, but also anti-inflammatory. High store also the affected area and avoid too much movement.
  • A classic for the treatment of insect bites on the onion . It is effective against the swelling, the itching and the inflammation. To first cut an onion and place it with the cut surface on the injection site. Let the onion for at least 10 minutes, or gently RUB over the wound. The vessels to contract and the wound is disinfected.
  • in addition, bee venom is highly acidic and can be neutralized with the help of baking soda very good. Stir a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water and give the liquid to a clean cotton ball. RUB the injection site. After that, you can moisten the cotton wool again, and then as a compress on the bite to fix.
  • A home remedy that is not very well known, is sugar . Take a teaspoon of sugar and mix these with some water to make a Paste. Swipe this on the injection site and wait until everything is dried. Then the sugar can be removed. The sugar draws out the poison and to prevent swelling of the affected area.
  • note : Even if your dog or cat is stung by a bee, remove the sting directly.

    allergic shock prevention: a Bee sting will not suffer to the deadly danger

    Nearly three million people in Germany to an insect venom Allergy. You come to a stitch in lives at risk. However, there is help that can be used to prevent anaphylactic shock. More on this, see you in the Video.

    allergic shock prevention: a Bee sting is to prevent the fatal risk of PCP allergic shock: a Bee sting is not lethal danger of “Self-blame”: German tourists expect debt with the ball on the man-hosts from FOCUS Online “Self”: German tourists expect the ball to man-of hosts from
