
  • a good two billion euros, the scandal of the financial service provider Wirecard.
  • The hyped-up Numbers could cost the state in the Form of tax refunds money.
  • How now came out, put Merkel for Wirecard, as the group already made negative headlines.
  • the price of The Wirecard share is also eight journey. After a drastic crash it’s now on the up again.

Chancellery had multiple contacts with Wirecard

The Federal Chancellery had been the end of 2018, several times in contact with the now insolvent Dax-listed company Wirecard, as well as to consultants of the company. Thereby, the former Commissioner for the intelligence services of the Federal government, Klaus-Dieter Fritsche, and as is already known Ex-defense Minister Karl-Theodor played to Guttenberg a role, as a government spokesman announced on Wednesday at the request of the German press Agency.

“Spiegel Online”, the Ex bat-secret service coordinator Fritsche in “to an appointment for the Wirecard AG”, with Lars-Hendrik Röller. The Economist, which also runs seti in 2011, the economic and financial Department in the Federal Chancellery. In fact, according to “Spiegel Online” in September, 2019 to a conversation, a Wirecard AG the Board of management was involved. As the leaf continues, the lobbying Fritsches now for more questions. Still is unclear whether Fritsche, together with Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, or on their own.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) have again addressed at the time of their trip to China in September 2019, the theme of the planned Acquisition of the Chinese company AllScore Financial by Wirecard. “At the time of the trip, you had no knowledge of possible serious irregularities in the case of Wirecard.” The Federal government put in their bilateral contacts with other countries, regularly also for the economic interests of German companies in these countries.


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  • crash of the Wirecard: As a pensioner almost 450,000 euros lost through fraud
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