The fanatic theater of Delphine Ernotte, will be entitled to his act II to France Télévisions. In spite of eight competitors in weight, and in particular the ex-boss of RTL Christopher Baldelli, who has proposed a revolution in the programs, it has not been dethroned from the position she has held since 2015. Favorite of this race, the outgoing president, has been named once again to the head of the group of public broadcasting for 5 years, until 2025, by the higher Council of the audiovisual. The president of the CSA, Roch-Olivier Maistre, has called to advise them of his victory and congratulate him.

Two consecutive terms for one person only : this is a first in the history of France Tv. The constable of the audiovisual sector has clearly opted for continuity and stability in the public service in this period of crisis of the Covid-19. The presidency of the group public no longer seems to be the ” worst job in the media “, as had qualified the host nagui (French speacker). Finished the CSD 5-year non-renewed so that the patrons of the private channels will remain in position for years, like Nicolas de Tavernost, president of M6 since the year 2000.

Coming of the world, the telecom operator Orange), Delphine Ernotte inherits a precious commodity, time, to deepen its strategic choices. In its decision, the CSA clearly evokes ” the choice of the continuation of the transformations underway to achieve, in dialogue, consultation and respect for budget balances, the adaptation of France Télévisions in a rapidly changing environment “. For Roch-Olivier Maistre, ” we have the stability was important.”

Read also on France Télévisions : behind the scenes of the battle for the presidency

Better to expose the performing arts

And now ? After renewing 40 % of the faces of the public channels in 5 years, of which the “white men over 50 years of age” as David Pujadas, Julien Lepers, Patrick Sebastian and William Leymergie, Delphine Ernotte was aware that she must reconnect with the youth and move the programs offered. It is, moreover, as his ex-competitor for the presidency Christopher Baldelli, remove the american series in the first part of the evening to better expose the creations of european and French expression.

She has pledged to spend 500 million euros to audiovisual creation and film French and european, which is 20 million more than it currently is. Above all, it has promised to strengthen the exposure of the culture and especially the performing arts to the antenna by allocating a first part of the evening per week. She paused for a moment to a better uptake and the narrative of theatre and opera, like the documentary’s La Traviata and we of Philippe Béziat, recently broadcast on France 5. “It is also the writing’s television show and its uptake that we réinventerons : new modes of narrative hybrids will be explored, combining recordings with other scriptures audiovisual “, she writes in her strategic project, 27 pages.

On the sport, where the equation to the budget is difficult for France Tv in the face of private groups, it wishes to rely on the broadcast of competitions for women. France 3 will be required to deploy “offers 100 % regional, fully rooted in the life of the territories” and a digital offer will be launched with the public radio station France Bleu. France 5 has become a channel of knowledge ” in the service of the awakening of ecological consciousness “.

What is the future for France 4 and France Info ?

Threatened with arrest, eventually saved from extinction after having shown its usefulness in school during the containment, France 4 will have to deepen its role in the chain of education and youth. His end was scheduled in August, but the new Culture minister, Roselyne Bachelot, has indicated that she intended to keep it. The uncertainty, however, yet on the fate of France Ô, for the time being doomed. The patron saint of the public group is committed to ” anchor “the reflex overseas” on all the antennas “. On France Info, its new director, Laurent Guimier will have to take off : strong on digital, the channel information continuously reached the ceiling on the other hand, DTT 0.5% of the average audience (in 2019), behind BFM TV (2,3 %), LCI (1 %), and CNews (0.8 per cent).

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On the budget, Delphine Ernotte wants to discuss with the State of the ” passage from 2021 to 2022 “, while she considers the decline of public resources “too strong” for 2021. France Televisions is expected to record an operating loss of 22 million euros, in the wake of the health crisis. The audiovisual group has a budget of 3 billion euros and employs nearly 10,000 staff, It will also need to carry out the plan of elimination of 900 positions, which suffer from a lack of volunteers, according to Serge Cimino, a representative of the SNJ at France Télévisions.

One thing is for sure. In a world where royalty and the very existence of a public service television are increasingly questioned, as we have seen in the Uk with the BCC, Delphine Ernotte going to have to convince the French of the usefulness of France Télévisions. Not a small feat in the era of Netflix and Disney+.

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