Who in his spare time, fit whether in the gym or by Jogging in the Park, however, should be careful what he eats. Many athletes get stuck on a particularly protein-rich diet and leave out other major sources. The body needs a combination of nutrients, carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins. To weakness when Training to prevent and to guarantee a healthy, rich diet, we have derived six rules, where recreational athletes should follow.

1. Whole grain instead of wheat

The rule of “whole-grain instead of wheat” is not only for athletes, but for all who want to eat healthy. Whole grain products provide carbohydrates, including dietary fiber and thus hold significantly more tired than wheat. Other foods that are real sick and tired of makers, you can read here. In addition, grain contain full products of important nutrients. The next time you purchase, we advise you not only to whole-grain bread, but also whole-grain noodles. The healthy Alternative you will find in any discount store. (Also interesting: This Trick helps you lose weight really)

2. They rely on plant-based foods

This aspect is already captured in the first rule of the German society for nutrition (DGE). As with herbal products, sufficient supply with nutrients is much easier. So-recommended foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and potatoes will accommodate generously in the diet plan.

animal products, however, you should rather as a Supplement rather than a main part of their diet to see. The DGE recommends approximately 300-600 grams of meat per week.

This means exactly what was as a child, as an important rule: a Lot of fruits and vegetables to eat! Tip: Not only good for the environment, but also for your body is to eat seasonally. Berries will taste in the summer, much better and nutrient richer than in the fall or even Winter, if they have to be imported. In the Winter, we recommend Apples, pears or grapes, which gives it at least until October.

3. Sufficient water

Who does a lot of Sport, it loses water. Therefore, it is especially important for athletes to drink enough fluid. The healthiest is to put on water. This is too boring, we recommend you add lemon or mint for a bit of variety. Of sugared drinks during exercise we recommend – this you-and often even thirstier and contain additional unhealthy calories. The DGE recommends about 1.5 liters of water per day. Per hour Sport about a half to a Liter of water.

4. A Snack before exercise

best to listen to your body. Anyone who has taken approximately two to three hours before exercise, a hearty lunch or Breakfast, doesn’t have to take a Snack before the workout. Who, however, gradually a feeling of Hunger arises and should not leave weakened to the Sport. Here are Snacks such as dried fruit, nuts, or a banana are recommended. They deliver energy without the need to fill. (See here for more tips to fight the cravings!)

5. Protein rich food

Who does a lot of sports, you should be sure to take sufficient levels of protein. These promote muscle growth, make long, full, and deliver the necessary energy for your workout. Proteins must not, however, mean equal Shakes or bars. (What time is it really a good idea, protein shakes you can take here to learn) proteins are also contained in natural foods such as whole grains, lentils, nuts, or vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. Also, low-fat quark and oatmeal are particularly rich in protein. For the addition of eggs, fish or meat are recommended. The fat poorest of the variant and athletes, very popular are the Turkey breast is. However, the protein requirements of 0.8 grams per Kilo of weight can, also easily with herbal products. (We answer the question: Should it rather be of vegetable or animal proteins?)

6. Carbohydrates do not neglect!

Since the Hype around Low-Carb diets, carbohydrates are downright Slimming-Killer demonized. They are part of a balanced diet and are regarded as an important source of energy, especially in athletes. Here it is important to put on the correct carbs that also contain fiber. This includes potatoes, rice, or hard include wheat pasta. To not recommend wheat products such as Toast or light bread rolls are.

7. And what about food supplements?

in General, we can say that recreational athletes who want to keep fit, having to take any supplements. Who wants to be safe, you should consult with a doctor and his values in check. Supplements are useful if you really lack vitamins and you need to compensate for this deficiency. (Read more here about how a deficiency in Vitamin B12 manifests)


Who would like to eat as an athlete to be healthy, you should ensure to eat a well-balanced and rich. That means: a bit Of everything, whether it be proteins or carbohydrates. Try to incorporate as many plant-based foods in your diet and to consider meat more of as a Supplement. You drink enough and take it before the workout, if necessary, a small Snack.

This article was written by (Angelika Watta)

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