the FOCUS reported in its latest issue. In the spirit flights are flights that are cancelled by Airlines intentionally after a short time, even though passengers have already paid money for the Tickets.

“to offer The airlines a service that you don’t want to do,” said Felix Methmann, aviation expert at VZBV, the FOCUS. The money will be paid back after the cancellation of the flights, if at all, only very tentative to the customers.

“Airlines are desperately trying to improve cash flow”

“Apparently, the Airlines are desperately trying to improve cash flow, and, apparently, use any means available to rights”, criticizes the consumer advocates. Lufthansa 8,23 EUR -0.25 (-2,93%) Xetra

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course data

Against the Background of state involvement in the Lufthansa Methmann Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU), called on to ensure consumer-friendly conditions in the case of the largest German Airline.

The Lufthansa considers the allegations against it are unfounded. Of systematic spirit flights could be no question that such a business conduct “absurd”, according to the company’s headquarters. Short-term cancellations were not, however, inevitable, because of the target areas allowed the approach: “contrary to expectations”. Flight delayed or cancelled? (Display)

With flight rights you can claim, quite simply, up to 600 euros in compensation of the Airline. The claim applies to all flights since 2017 , which were more than had 3 hours delay or cancelled, even in the event of Overbooking and flight time change.

Now, it’s free to claim for flight

check for right-TUI explained to FOCUS, such spirits-bookings made “no sense”, also TUI had “no liquidity problems”. TUI 3,74 EUR 0.13 (-3,38%) Xetra

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Lufthansa 9 billion euros in aid – and customers fidget

Fixed: For months, hundreds of thousands of customers waiting for refunds for air travel are down due to the Corona pandemic. Consumer advocates complain that the airlines refuse to make the payments or delay, although these are due to the customer in accordance with EU law. Display you can now Find your suitable legal protection insurance at an affordable price!

Also here are the consumer protectors of the Lufthansa in the visor and go from intent. “So far, there are only a few refunds. Even Lufthansa, the we support taxpayers with nine billion euros, you don’t get it so far in the series, your customers have the money for fancy flights to return,” said Germany’s top-Klaus Müller of düsseldorf “Rheinische Post” from Friday.

“clearly intent”

“I think this is not for inability, but a very clear intent,” said the head of the consumer Federation. “Lufthansa has switched off the automated refund systems and continue playing on time.”

In June, had not been reimbursed according to the German travel Association, flight tickets to the value of four billion Euro. “Two-thirds of the approximately 150,000 complaints received from April to June in the consumer centers, related to non-reimbursed travel expenses,” said Müller.

The Federal aviation authority to fail in its Supervisory function,“ said Miller. “Fines, which would be actually due, is not there. Minister of transport, Scheuer, where the office is, it is its responsibility to millions of travelers don’t meet.“ Flight is delayed, postponed or cancelled?

Up to 600 Euro compensation per Person (display)

Now free to claim for flight

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