Between Donald Trump and Twitter, the history is long and chaotic. And if he was not re-elected to the White House, it would stop. In an interview with the famous blogger Dave Portnoy and is identified by the HuffPost, the american president is going back on its use, sometimes excessive, of the social network through which he governs his country and practice, in its own way, the diplomacy.

And this is a Donald Trump rather lucid about his relationship with Twitter which has offered to Dave Portnoy considerations. “Often, too often,” Donald Trump regrets having sent some tweets. “In my day, we wrote a letter, we put it aside and come back the next day saying, ‘I’m happy not to have sent it’. You can’t do this with Twitter”, he complained.

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He added : “You publish instantly, you feel good, then we begin to receive calls : “Did you really say that ?” And then you say : “what’s wrong with that ?” And you discover a lot of things.” The president insists : “most of The time, it’s the retweets that you attract trouble”, in reference to the recent controversy of which it was the object after you have shared some videos.

also Read Philippe Labro – “Donald Trump, the emperor of the tweet”

When Dave Portnoy asks him what the Twitter account that it uses will become at the end of his term, in January next year or four years later, Donald Trump explains : “This account is to me, but I don’t know if I will use it again. There are times when I love Twitter, sometimes too much isn’t it ?”. And congratulations to its 84 million subscribers : “With this kind of figures, we have a voice that counts”, particularly in the face of what he sees as the fake news of some media.

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