The sars coronavirus continues to spread around the world. Five million new cases were detected since 1 July, more than a third of those that have been reported since the beginning of the pandemic. In some countries such as Canada, the latter now affects a majority of young people aged less than 39 years. Latin America and the Caribbean have become, Sunday, July 26th, the region of the world that have counted the highest number of infections, 4 340 214 cases, according to a report drawn up by the Agence France-Presse Sunday at 21 hours, from official sources.

in China, where the virus appeared, was state, Monday, 61 new patients Covid-19 in 24 hours, the largest increase in daily since mid-April, after the emergence of foci of infection in three provinces including Xinjiang (North-West). The United States, the most affected country in the world, are, for their part, nearly 4 230 million infections and nearly 150,000 deaths. The number of new positive cases was, however, significantly slowed down Sunday to + 55 187, its lowest level for almost two weeks.

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The u.s. government is committed to bring in almost a billion dollars in total support to the development of a potential vaccine against the Covid-19 developed by the american society of biotechnology Moderna, which is preparing to conduct the last phase of its clinical trial. This experimental vaccine, which has raised antibodies against the coronavirus among 45 participants in a first phase, will be tested from Monday, about 30 000 people. The United States has announced in recent months of massive investment aimed to immunize Americans from the beginning of the next year. The us president, Donald Trump has declared Sunday “focused” on the coronavirus with ” scheduled meetings on vaccines “, to justify his renunciation to launch the first ball at the opening baseball game of the New York Yankees scheduled for next month.

Brazil, Latin american country most affected, has identified, for its part, on Sunday, nearly 25 000 additional cases, for a total of 2.4 million. He regrets that more than 87 000 people dead. The number of dead, Europe stays in the lead with 207 933 deaths, followed by Latin America and the Caribbean (182 726), and the United States and Canada (155 673). Figures probably lower than the reality.

The under 39 years old are highly affected in Canada

In Canada, adults under 39 years of age now constitute a clear majority of new cases of Covid-19 identified, warned, Sunday, the health authorities in calling young people to not feel ” invincible “. Older persons are not the only ones at risk of serious health problems in case of contamination, warned Dr. Theresa Tam, director-in-chief of the public health of the country : in the case of Covid-19 reported last week, ” 63 % were young people under the age of 39 years, of which one-third (31 %) had been hospitalized “.

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In France, elected officials concerned have called on young people to be more cautious and ordered the closure of gathering places, such as beaches, parks and public gardens at night. “If this age group is most often asymptomatic once infected, it transmits, however, the virus once contaminated and exposes the most vulnerable populations,” said the prefecture of the Morbihan.

in The United Kingdom, the government has unveiled a vast plan to combat overweight and obesity, which are considered as aggravating factors against the disease and that nearly two-thirds (63 %) of the uk population. This plan marks a 180-degree turn to the Prime minister Boris Johnson, who had previously declared against the “taxes on our sins,” and an approach “maternisante” of the State. He himself had had to be hospitalized in the spring in intensive care after he contracted the Covid-19, absorbing several times the severity of its symptoms, among others, to its weight. “Losing weight is difficult, but with some small changes, we can all feel more slim and healthy “, he said.

Limitation of the travels in Morocco

London has also announced that passengers from Spain should undergo a period of isolation from Sunday, inciting a strong reaction of the authorities of this country, the second world tourist destination behind France and who claimed loudly to be a ” safe country “. “Like other european countries, Spain has new homes. This is not unusual. The most important thing is that Spain makes great efforts to control these outbreaks, ” said the minister of foreign Affairs, Arancha Gonzalez Laya.

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In Peru, the ministry of Health has estimated that 25.3% of the population of the capital Lima and port of Callao could be contaminated by the Covid-19, or ” a total of 2.7 million inhabitants “. Other countries such as Venezuela and Algeria have decided to conduct containment measures in force on their soil.

Morocco is also going to limit travel between major cities a few days of the Eid al-Adha, a holiday traditionally marked by family reunions. And saudi Arabia will only welcome that some 10 000 people for the traditional pilgrimage of the hajj to Mecca from Wednesday, instead of the 2.5 million received last year. In Berlin, the capital of techno, the outrageous club Berghain was able to reopen its doors, but you can not dance at this stage. It will be just a sound exposure levels.

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