The threatening Mails come in the night, again and again. You are condemning them to “death”, it means, for example, often signed with “NSU 2.0” – based on the eponymous right terrorist group. Anne Helm, Chairman of The faction “Left” in Berlin, is accustomed to death threats. Nevertheless, the Situation is nervous, “overall, just exhausting,” as she says in the DW. “I have to deal with it. Therefore, everything else is also much more exhausting.” Fear of death is not you, even if in the Letter also attacks the speech is.

69 letters – to part with personal data provided have been sent according to the Hesse state Parliament in the last time to you and 26 other people and institutions, including the attorney-at-law Seda Basay-Yildiz, the Victims ‘ families in the process against the law, terrorist NSU had represented, and the Berlin comedian Idil Baydar. It is striking that The great majority of the recipient is female, the messages are sexist.

An endangered world

a helmet suspects, therefore, woman-hatred as a motive for the alleged Right-wing Letter. This is not new. Also the assassin of Toronto had announced in 2018 before his rampage travel, this would be the beginning of the “Incel-Rebellion”. Incel – a compound word from involuntary and celibate, involuntarily celibate living is the self-designation of young men who have involuntarily no Sex and no relationship, and a hatred of women develop. “Incels are of the opinion that men have a fundamental right to women and their bodies. They claim, women would withhold Sex,” says Henning von Bargen of the Green-affiliated Heinrich-Böll-Foundation of the DW.

Also, the alleged assassin of the hall, Stephan B. this could have played a role. On the Day in October 2019, he heard the woman-despising music and said this in his Video, he transferred to the network: “feminism is to blame for the declining birth rate in the West, which is the cause for the mass immigration.” The root of these problems was “the Jew”.

The blade only once, “totally absurd,” said the Left-politician helmet. “But within this ethnic picture of the world that is the logical consequence.” Thus, women have to worry about, especially for the so-called people’s receipt of, that is to say: you should get a lot of children and in accordance with their traditional role to take care of you. “Feminism is threatening this world,” says helmet “just like the women that are now affected by the Drohschreiben.”

For a “soldier’s masculinity,”

“anti-feminism is a part of extreme right-wing ideologies,” says Rachel Spicker of the Amadeu-Antonio-Foundation of the DW. While women should be in extreme right-wing ideologies, peaceful, social, reserved, were marked men by a “soldier’s manhood-ready to protect their women and children, as well as the own Nation”. “These are fixed roles, the show also anti-feminism. When women break out of these roles, then you will be met with hostility, too often for that.”

But anti-feminism is not only a common denominator of different right-wing currents. It can also be a kind of “gateway drug to right-wing ideologies,” says von Bargen. Because anti-feminism is directed against the open society and wants to restrict the fundamental rights and human rights. “This is the context that many do not see, nor so strong.”

Also, the helmet looks in the anti-feminism, a “low-threshold point of contact for other ideologies of inequality”. “We notice that, among other things, the fact that in our society most of the allegations of racism from themselves would have. But to be sexist for some, but a mark of distinction.” Also Spicker believes that anti-feminism is strongly anchored in the society.

looking for a scapegoat

Especially men who are in a social crisis, whose Jobs and standard of living are at risk, for this thought-prone. It was a relief to find something that have apparently to blame for the own plight, says von Bargen. The scapegoat hot in this case: feminism.

The radicalisation often takes place on the Internet. On publicly accessible websites such as Reddit and 4Chan forums for the so-called Incels appeared in the meantime. Now they are closed, but on other pages, the groups are still to – freely accessible to anyone, anonymous, and unmoderiert. Almost every second sex new contributions, in which, for example, “sex slaves” for Incels demanded or women can be attributed to the intellect of a small child.

Also, the Gamer-scene contributes to the radicalisation of young men. In the largely UN-moderated Communities on gaming platforms like Twitch or Discord, right-wing ideologies and misogyny are widespread, as the author Karolin describes Black in her book “hatred warriors: The new global right-wing extremism”. User name after terrorists,there are groups for devotees of the identities of movement, the NPD, or conspiracy theorist. People of Color, Jews, and women are reviled. “This is a scene which is only observed very little of the analog world,” warns of barges.

warning before the link in

The sociologist therefore calls for more research on the subject. “Anti-feminism is not taken from the policy is often serious. Above all, it is not perceived that it is the link between right-wing currents and the so-called middle of society,” he says.

the Left-politician, helmet, meanwhile, has a life that she’s come to the attention of anti-feminists. Now she has found a way of dealing with the e-mails. “I’m trying to decouple this from my Person. I know What I stand for politically and what I work for, where it is attacked. I’m trying to make me aware of it.”

sawtooth-summer is coming to a head: Only 36 degrees – then the drop in temperature PCP sawtooth follows-the summer is coming to a head: Only 36 degrees – the temperature fall

*The contribution of “The rights hatred of women” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.