the Germans would have to decide When, whether, Armin Laschet, or Friedrich Merz, should be your Chancellor, there is currently a Two-thirds majority for Merz. According to a new survey by the opinion research Institute Insa on behalf of the European 67 percent would be for the CDU-politicians, Merz, and only 33 percent for the NRW-Prime Minister Laschet decide.

Among Union voters is the difference between Merz and Laschet even more (72 to 28 percent).

Retrieves Merz really AfD-voters to the Union?

This result implies the case that you would have to decide, similar to the CDU – party-only between these two candidates, the Undecided and differently oriented so expects to see out.

considering all groups of voters, then Friedrich Merz receives, in particular, in the case of the FDP-voters, high approval. A number of the AfD-voters, he should be able to Union, back to get. The European

Armin Laschet wish only the Left-voters more often than the German Chancellor, Friedrich Merz (8 to 4 percent). Green voters want both candidates to only five percent – equally little. A total of 59 percent of the Germans say that they want to see any of the two as Chancellor.

The survey period was from 17. to 20. July 2020. A total of 2.049 a representative group of people from Germany, 18 years and older participated in the survey.

At the CDU party Congress in December to AKK-successor

be chosen So that an exciting constellation from the horizon with views of the CDU-Parteiteag. The CDU wants to choose at the beginning of December in Stuttgart, a successor for Kramp-karrenbauer.

According to the latest polls, the Union is likely to decide the next election, and then probably also in the future, the head of the government bodies.

the Official candidate at the Stuttgart Congress are so far, the NRW Minister Armin Laschet, Ex-Union parliamentary leader Friedrich Merz, and the foreign politician Norbert Röttgen.

More about Merz and Laschet

  • at the Earliest in December, the CDU can clarify your open leadership question. Also, the question of who should be a candidate for Chancellor, provides more fuel for the summer hole. CDU-Chef Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, is counting on her successor in the party Chairman is also the Chancellor candidate of the Union.
  • A Registrar capability in surveys makes a good Chancellor. Business enterprises have developed a test system with key criteria that will help you reliably from a number of new strategies, the best pick out. This should also work for Chancellor candidates.
  • the choice of the future Chairman of the CDU, the decision on the joint Chancellor candidate of the Union parties is getting closer. forsa has determined on behalf of the media group RTL, which of the three currently possible Chancellor candidate of the Union had at the moment against the likely competitors from the SPD (Olaf Scholz) and Green (Robert Habeck) the greatest opportunities.

asks When ZDF presenter to Berlin to be incapable, must ask Lindner annoyed FOCUS Online/Wochit As the ZDF-relief presenter of Berlin, naughtiness, must shows, Lindner annoyed sigh of relief survey: Only a Union candidate could Scholz and Habeck suggest FOCUS Online/Wochit survey shows: Only a Union candidate could Scholz and Habeck beat

*The contribution of “Merz outclassed Laschet in the Registrar survey, especially when their own constituents,” published by The European. Contact with the executives here.